I didn't originally intend this scene in my story, but today is milady-dragon's birthday and the plot bunnies have whispered an amusing thought in my ear so here's a short chapter. Happy Birthday milady-dragon! Hope you like it.
This chapter is PG-13.
Gwen made sure all the civilians, except for the lycan shop owner, drank a good cup of tea laced with Retcon while Harold and Anian put the sedated Weevils in the boot of the SUV.
"Are you sure they'll be alright, Gwen?" the shop owner asked.
Gwen smiled at the shop owner and said, "They'll be right as rain when they wake up Timothy. Just tell him some teenagers came through and messed the place up and they'll assume that is exactly what happened."
"Close enough to the truth anyway," Timothy agreed. He put his broom away, clean up complete, went behind the counter and washed his hands. "I can't thank you enough for capturing those smelly creatures and protecting my customers and my business. Let me give you and your team some fish and chips on the house at least."
"Tim, that's not necessary," Gwen began to protest, but Tim held up his hand.
"I know it's not, but I want to so please just let me, alright?" Tim replied.
"Okay," Gwen said smiling. "Besides, truth be told, I'm rather hungry," she admitted.
Tim handed Gwen the takeout dinner a few minutes later just as Harold and Anian walked into the shop. "Our guests are secured in the SUV and we're ready to go," Harold said.
"Tim's given us our dinner as thanks," Gwen said holding up the bags she was carrying.
"Kind of him; thanks Tim," Harold said taking some of the bags from Gwen so she didn't have to carry them all. They left the shop and headed towards the SUV.
"Harold, mind if I ask you a question?" Gwen asked.
Harold smiled; Gwen loved to ask him questions about lycans and how the Cardiff pack interacted with the rest of society so he'd gotten quite use to her questions. "Not at all Gwen, what do you want to know?"
"Well, I was thinking," Gwen said.
"You know it's dangerous for you to think Gwen," Anian teased.
"Sod off, Anian," Gwen replied good naturedly, rolling her eyes at Anian. "You're like the baby brother I never wanted." Anian and Harold chuckled at her remark.
"Anyway, I was wondering since lycans exist, is it possible Welsh dragons exist too?" she asked.
"I've never seen one," Harold replied honestly.
"Oh," Gwen replied sounding disappointed.
"But I know they existed; Dafyyd saw some when he was a child. Of course it was hundreds of years ago," Harold said. "Plus they're been sightings on and off for decades up in Snowdonia."
"So they might still exist," Gwen said. She liked the idea of Welsh Dragons still living in Wales. "But how can they hide from people all these years?" she asked.
"Do you really think only lycans morph between their human and true forms, Gwen? A dragon could be standing right next to you in a crowd and you'd never know," Harold replied with a grin.
Gwen stopped in mid-stride as Harold's explanation sunk in. "Bloody hell - I never thought of that!"
"You've worked with Torchwood for a while now, Gwen. Time you started thinking outside the box," Harold said chuckling as he opened the driver door for Gwen.
"True enough," Gwen agreed. They climbed into the SUV and Gwen was putting it in gear when she heard Tosh call her over the comms. Activating her comms Gwen said, "Hey Tosh, we've just finished up and we're heading back to the Hub."
"Get back here as fast as you can," Tosh said. "Grey got loose, held Owen hostage and everything's gone wrong."
"Shit! Is anyone hurt?" Gwen asked. She sped off towards the Hub with lights flashing.
"Grey shot Jack and Ianto and injured Owen with a scalpel, but they'll recover. Hart stopped Grey and they're both dead," Tosh explained.
"Bloody hell," Gwen muttered. "We'll be there in ten minutes Tosh," she replied. "This is not good, Harold."
"You're right," Harold agreed. "Jack and Ianto are going to need our help and we'll be there for them."