1. when and how did we meet: at battle of the bands in march 2. have you ever seen me with my shirt off: no 3. have you ever seen me cry: don't think so 4. describe me in four adjectives: ghetto, bootylicious, sarcastic, celestial 5. if we could spend a day together what would we do: listen to some dolly parton and watch some reality tv 6. have we ever gotten in a fight: fake fights 7. if you could give me a present, what would it be: a molly ringwald poster 8. would you hug me: yep 9. what do you really think of me: that you are an excessively weird girl but i stand to tolerate you occasionally because i love your ghetto booty 10. have we ever kissed: not yet 11. has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to: maybe, i'm not sure? 12. want to make out: someday 13. name one thing you don't like about me: whatever ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. when and how did we meet:begining of 10th grade, elbow sex 2. have you ever seen me with my shirt off:nope 3. have you ever seen me cry:false 4. describe me in four adjectives:fiery haired, precious, hot, shorter than me 5. if we could spend a day together what would we do:elbow sex, alot 6. have we ever gotten in a fight:nope 7. if you could give me a present, what would it be:oatmeal creme pie 8. would you hug me:most definitely 9. what do you really think of me:you coo' 10. have we ever kissed:i'd be lying if I said yes 11. has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to:yes 12. want to make out:well, i mean, who needs that when you've got elbows anyways 13. name one thing you don't like about me:you invited me to see How To Deal
sorry for boringnessniffirgmadaJuly 20 2003, 20:12:27 UTC
1. through blair in 10th grade, unless my horrible emory made me forget an earlier meeting time. 2. sadly no 3. No, which i guess is good? But I usually can't feel that I really know someone until i've seen them shed a tear (and not from a movie or something) 4. loud, great, strange, rorie-ish 5. probably hang out with Blair. That's the only time i ever see you without school being existant 6. I dont think but i seem to get in fights without realizing it. 7. An oriental boy name Choo Choo. 8. if i haven't yet, yes 9. i REALLY think you're a person named rorie and that you are very Rorie-ish 10. no ma'am 11. I wish there was so this would be a hell of a lot more interesting to read. But....no. 12. Sure, making out is fun. But wait....with you? Get John David off and ill take a swing. (that sounded very "50-year-old man at a college party perv"-like 13. I hate that giant maroon mark on your forehead...that doesn't exist.
alrighty then
July 27 2003, 18:48:21 UTC
1. when and how did we meet:i would have to say in drivers ed kinda...when we didn't think that we liked each other and i was in love with wes...or not...but then we met in laser quest 2. have you ever seen me with my shirt off:no 3. have you ever seen me cry:yea...kinda... it was fake 4. describe me in four adjectives:dike, gay, butch, gangster 5. if we could spend a day together what would we do:stalk all the other people we know...and look for squeeze pops 6. have we ever gotten in a fight:yes..... huge ones 7. if you could give me a present, what would it be:ice cream sandwiches..otmeal cookies...and a sexy mexy 8. would you hug me:yeah 9. what do you really think of me:ur one hot mo foe(yea i said it) 10. have we ever kissed:no 11. has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to:probably 12. want to make out:if u talk to me in an english accent 13. name one thing you don't like about me: I like u just the way u are
Comments 5
2. have you ever seen me with my shirt off: no
3. have you ever seen me cry: don't think so
4. describe me in four adjectives: ghetto, bootylicious, sarcastic, celestial
5. if we could spend a day together what would we do: listen to some dolly parton and watch some reality tv
6. have we ever gotten in a fight: fake fights
7. if you could give me a present, what would it be: a molly ringwald poster
8. would you hug me: yep
9. what do you really think of me: that you are an excessively weird girl but i stand to tolerate you occasionally because i love your ghetto booty
10. have we ever kissed: not yet
11. has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to: maybe, i'm not sure?
12. want to make out: someday
13. name one thing you don't like about me: whatever
2. have you ever seen me with my shirt off:nope
3. have you ever seen me cry:false
4. describe me in four adjectives:fiery haired, precious, hot, shorter than me
5. if we could spend a day together what would we do:elbow sex, alot
6. have we ever gotten in a fight:nope
7. if you could give me a present, what would it be:oatmeal creme pie
8. would you hug me:most definitely
9. what do you really think of me:you coo'
10. have we ever kissed:i'd be lying if I said yes
11. has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to:yes
12. want to make out:well, i mean, who needs that when you've got elbows anyways
13. name one thing you don't like about me:you invited me to see How To Deal
2. sadly no
3. No, which i guess is good? But I usually can't feel that I really know someone until i've seen them shed a tear (and not from a movie or something)
4. loud, great, strange, rorie-ish
5. probably hang out with Blair. That's the only time i ever see you without school being existant
6. I dont think but i seem to get in fights without realizing it.
7. An oriental boy name Choo Choo.
8. if i haven't yet, yes
9. i REALLY think you're a person named rorie and that you are very Rorie-ish
10. no ma'am
11. I wish there was so this would be a hell of a lot more interesting to read. But....no.
12. Sure, making out is fun. But wait....with you? Get John David off and ill take a swing. (that sounded very "50-year-old man at a college party perv"-like
13. I hate that giant maroon mark on your forehead...that doesn't exist.
2. have you ever seen me with my shirt off:no
3. have you ever seen me cry:yea...kinda... it was fake
4. describe me in four adjectives:dike, gay, butch, gangster
5. if we could spend a day together what would we do:stalk all the other people we know...and look for squeeze pops
6. have we ever gotten in a fight:yes..... huge ones
7. if you could give me a present, what would it be:ice cream sandwiches..otmeal cookies...and a sexy mexy
8. would you hug me:yeah
9. what do you really think of me:ur one hot mo foe(yea i said it)
10. have we ever kissed:no
11. has there ever been anything you wanted to tell me, but were scared to:probably
12. want to make out:if u talk to me in an english accent
13. name one thing you don't like about me: I like u just the way u are
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