Time Management

May 20, 2005 22:35

I suck at it. TV will steal your soul.

"This is the dawning of the rest of our lives..."

Chuckee Cheeze canceled for tomorrow :(

What are you scared of? Because really, I can't think of anything that "scares" me. There are things that are terribly unpleasent and I wish to avoid, but scary... eh.

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Comments 18

soycomosoy514 May 20 2005, 20:08:54 UTC
I have a theory about phobias. I think every fear is actually, just a mental exageration of either the phobia of death or pain. Take the fear of heights. Noone is afraid of the height itself, it's the fear or the falling, which is just the fear of what will happen when u hit the ground. Some people fear the splat, others the death. And with each fear, it is one or the other. I have yet to be disproven. Yes, that's a challenge.


soccershock May 22 2005, 08:53:55 UTC
sounds good to me.


chiefocto May 21 2005, 09:09:37 UTC
I think I have a phobia that disproves your theory.
I am absolutely scared to death of seaweed.
No if's, and's or but's about it, if I am swimming in a lake or something, and my feet or legs or such touch seaweed, I am outta there like noone's business.
I know seaweed can't kill me, there is really nothing to be afraid of, but it just feels so sick when it touches you. I can't stand it.
The only time it is ok is when it is above the water, or in a aquarium or something like that, but me actually touching it, forget about it.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


dragonsfriend May 21 2005, 11:54:04 UTC
I don't know whether that would be considered a fear, or more of a revulsion


soycomosoy514 May 21 2005, 17:13:42 UTC
Many ppl are afraid of seawead cause of those stories that it can pull u under. So, even though u realize that it can't do that, your subconcious still fears it, cause we are animals and instinkly get away from dangerous situations, in this case, drowning, which is death. So u are afraid of death.


soccershock May 22 2005, 08:57:04 UTC
incorrect. i think that is a pretty sucky interpretation.

you are afraid of what is hiding in the seaweed. and therefore fear pain and death.


horseflyr May 21 2005, 10:48:29 UTC
Is is bad that I thought your music quote was from Green Day, but from the Warning cd, so then I was confused when you put 'Holiday' because it should have been that other song? "This is the first day of the rest of our lives"... never mind.

I'm afraid/creeped out by clowns. And stickers, like when they put it on fruit. There's no way a clown or a sticker is going to hurt me, so it's pretty irrational. But I just can't stand them.


soycomosoy514 May 21 2005, 17:20:40 UTC
clowns are scary, like a bad man who's gonna hurt or kill u. Stickers are, no. u're just weird. I will think of something though. How do they creeps u out?


horseflyr May 21 2005, 18:43:55 UTC
but clowns are supposed to make you happy, and be nice and funny and stuff.

I don't know. It's just that when they get old, get get really gross... I can't explain. Stickers and fruit do not go together.


soccershock May 22 2005, 08:56:00 UTC
ummm... that line is from 'Holiday'...

eh... clowns and stickers are irrational. i fear them not.


eviltoaster May 22 2005, 08:55:25 UTC
1. Walking alone in the dark and having someone creep up behind me, and either kill me or rape me or mug me or... something.
2. Bee stings, because they can be poisonous
3. Poison
4. Going into a coma, or becoming a quadraplegic
5. Falling, thus becoming a quadraplegic
6. Sex and/or relationships, no matter how much I may like the person, because I don't want to give someone else that much control over my happiness


soccershock May 22 2005, 09:01:10 UTC
1. eh, if it happens it happens, so I'm not scared of it.
2. i am quicker, smarter, and much more deadly than a bee. even the poisonous ones ;)
3. the point of poisoning someone is that they won't know about it, so you still won't have much chance to worry.
4. If you're in a coma you won't know it, if you're quadraplegic you will learn to cope.
5. everyone's a little scared of falling, thats what makes roller coasters fun.
6. indeed.


eviltoaster May 23 2005, 15:46:32 UTC
Miyagi: Man who catch fly with chopstick accomplish anything.
--karate kid


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