New guy

Apr 26, 2005 21:55

Favorite Bands:Antiseen, The Mentors, Skrewdriver, Nick Cave, Devo, The Cramps, Gwar, Johnny Cash, and The Meteors.
Favorite Movies:Zombie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre,Re-Animator, The Hills Have Eyes, Last House On The Left, and Dead And Buried.
Do you consider yourself a bit harsh at times?: Yes.
Were you singled out when you were younger because you were "different" or "weird"?:Yes.

Opinions on...
Darby Crash:A great song writer.
Sid Vicious: Loser.
GG Allin: He made more types of music than any "punk rocker" will ever dare to make, good for him.
80's hardcore:No comment.
ANARKEEE PUNXXXORZ:I hate anarcho punks.
Fashion punk elitistcore idiots: I am about to be rated by a bunch of them.

Why do you want to be here? what makes you think you're good enough? (please, no generic bullshit like IM TOUGH AND IM KEWL... we've heard it all): I am tough and kewl.

Pictures (3 or more):

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