I had never really known you, / but I realized that the one you were before, / had changed into somebody for whom / I wouldn't mind to put the kettle on. / Still I don't know what I can save you from. -KoCWell... you said to update
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So there's a little thing we at work like to call "Bum of the week" and whilst Doug and I were smoking last night we came upon just one such fine specimen of human de-evolution. Rather than explain the details of how big the man's shopping cart was or tell you that he was dirtier than your average bum... we'll let the script do the talking
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She smiled at him, looking suddenly, and for the first time, vulnerable. She patted him on the arm. "You're fucked up, Mister. But you're cool." "I believe that's what they call the human condition," said Shadow. "Thanks for the company."So I've been telling m_perfect I would make an actual journal entry for four - maybe five? - months now. So
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