i had surgery today. they removed the pin from my ankle. exciting.
this .....
was the "pin". its approximately 2 1/4 inch long. weeeeeird. but now im all done. i have to go through a crap load of physical therapy, and i hear thats the fun part. but it kind of feels like a big step you know. im gettin there. but i am soooooo over this whole thing. time to move on i think. four months is waaay too long to be out of commision.
so im still a little on the nauseous side and the pain isnt bad at all. just stiff i suppose. everything went well. however, i guess i broke the screw... im not sure if you can see it in the picture (i tried to make it look whole) but near the head it snapped i guess. it wasnt bad, it still held my ankle in place but she said it was a little trickier getting it out than planned. (she had to back it out from the other end. bah. mah bad doctah. (my toes are puffy again. : )
so lets throw a parade! im done! (kinda) at least i dont need any more surgery... this stuff makes me feel funny...
i guess thats it. just wanted to share my joy with everybody and show off my metal. heh.
lata kidies.