(no subject)

Apr 29, 2010 04:06

Name/Nickname: Dark Hawk
Aim: Haw Dark
Email:  BLSOHN@yahoo.com
LJ: ”Dark_Hawk_EX”


Canon Character and Series: Link, Legend of Zelda

In-Game Name:  Lieutenant Link Lupine Éspirit

Age: 22

Gender:  Male

Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please):  Quartermaster, Air Man, Amestris

Appearance:   Link stands at around 5’7” and is a lot lighter then he looks.  With an effeminate face and his muscles only being toned, it’s quite possible to mistake him for being female.  A green sock cap always is on top of his shaggy blonde hair.  Blue eyes, to match his blue earrings.  In truth, while he does have the proper uniform for the soldier’s, he’s more comfortable and usually in his green tunic, chain mail, white undershirt, white riding pants, and boots ensemble.  Along with the hat, he is always wearing bracers and fingerless gloves on his arm and hand.  The gloves themselves, reach up to half of his forearm, and embedded right above his hand, is the Mana Crystal of Courage and two normal crystal fakes.  He has pointy ears.

As Shadow Link, his hair turns white; his Skin turns dark brown, and even his clothes and weapon turn black, though his white shirt and riding pants are more of a light grey.  His eyes and earrings a deep red color.

Personality:   Personality:   Link on the front is happy-go-lucky, extremely brave, and a bit of a flirt/pervert.  Give Link an adventure or a foe to fight and he will jump at it, half dressed, if he has to.  And ladies, don’t except this man to not do stuff without asking for a kiss, after everything is said and done.  You probably won’t find him watching the halls like a good solider, but instead trying to sky fish.  He wants to catch a Sky whale one day.

In general, he will apologize, if he is in the wrong, or something came across the wrong way.  Link is very self-confident about his skills and fighting prowess, but is very humble about his own exploits.  He rather tell you he’s good at fighting then tell you that he’s beaten two ogre’s by himself, or something.  Too the people he just met, he’s generally polite to, saving his teasing for the people he knows very well, personally.

However the truth is, part of this a façade to keep himself from breaking from stress.  Link does think seriously and doesn’t usually mean what he says, about the kissing.  He knows he’s only a man and that he has his own limits, though he has no problem trying to push them beyond it.  All in all he likes to have a good time.

Abilities/Weapons:   Link has three swords.  A wooden sword used for practice, a short sword that was issued when he was in the army, and a long sword forged by both himself and his grandfather.  They are of normal sharpness and strength.  Link can use his magic to add a Mana discharge to his spin attack, more or less lengthening the radius of the attack.  Another use of the magic is to jump up and hit the ground with his blade, causing a small discharge to come a few feet forward, in a circular radius.

He owns a shield.  It’s a normal Steel Shield.  It protects against attacks.

Link is trained to use a blade and is pretty proficient with it.

Link’s fighting style is mostly based on his aglity and acrobatics.  Jumping to the sides and backwards quickly to get out of striking range, and dodge rolling to the side to try and confuse the enemy.  Back flipping to evade an attack only to counter attack as soon as he lands with a jump slash.  Bashing with shield and doing an upward spin attack are quite calm.  As is him trying to get enough height to flip over the enemy and bash him with the hilt of his blade.

Link himself has a natural affinity for Magic.  It’s the main reason for his uncanny ability to pick up a weapon or instrument, and be able to master its use a lot quicker then normal.  And in the future it will allow him to set powers to his arrow, if he gets training to actually harness and use his magic on things that he's no longer touching.

The Mana Crystal of Courage.  While it doesn’t increase his powers, it does a few things.  The first effect is that Link is able to swing his blade (or butterfly net) and repel back Low-level to Mid-level Magic attacks at foes, how ever Link doesn’t know how to activate it.  Once a day, Link can focus all of his Magic into the Mana Crystal, and trap a foe for a few seconds, allowing Link to rush up and blitz the guy.  The third thing is that it bolstered his courage, which besides not being one to back down, it helps him to overcome and fight through any fears he has.

Bag of holding.  With the power of a Mana crystal, this bag can hold thirty inanimate objects.  Link can pull them out by mentally envisioning what he wants.  Currently the Bag holds his bow, an ocarina, a bottle, a butterfly net, a quiver with ten arrows, and his fishing rod.

Weaknesses:   While Link might be humble about what he’s done, he’s extremely cocky about how good of a fighter he is.  He gets frustrated easily when outmatched by an opponent and being mocked by them.  He’s also prone to not think exactly what he’s saying means or that people might take it the wrong way, leading to many a misunderstanding.

The learning a new weapon thing isn’t instantaneous, and how quickly he figures out how to properly use something, varies from minutes to days.

When he’s in a rush, he won’t really think about what he’s doing, and do what he can to get it done faster.  He also tends to hold a mean grudge.

He has a pathological fear of chickens.  Seriously, he gets shafted by them many a times that he believes they are plotting against him.

The Mana Crystal of Courage, itself is a weakness because it overides his survival instincts, due to overcomming any fear of death, which causes him to do stupid antics.  Like take electrontics into a watery place.  Jump headfirst into an army.  Keep fighting when he should be recieving medical treatment and so on.

History:   Link was born just outside of Bellcius, to an Erealian knight.  He was never really that close to his parents, due to the fact both of them moved back to Erealia, a few years after his sister was born.  He and his sister, stayed with there grandparents and uncle.  Life was good for him.  His Uncle was a retired General and his grandfather was a blacksmith.  Link began to learn the trade at a young age, taking a particular interest in learning how to forge blades.  Around the age of eight, he, his Uncle, and Grandfather built him a tree house, which he quickly adopted as his room.  And his father sent him a gift.  A yellow, triangular, mana crystal.  His grandmother made a glove for it to be stored in.

His life in a way was simple.  Help his grandfather out, learn swordsmanship from a trainer, hang out with his friends, be a brother, go to school, and even try to sky fish with his father when he lived with him in Erealia.

However for a couple of months out of the year, he and his sister went and lived with his parents.  There he befriended a couple members of royalty.  Soon he became pen-pals with a certain Princess, and teased her when ever he visited.  He really did enjoy her company and may have even had a tiny crush on her at one point.  One thing was certain, within the confines that small island he said, “Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess,” at least once a day to her.

However, Link would grow bored of this monotonous life, besides the shadow buisness, and as soon as he turned of age, he joined the army.  His training and courage lead him to be part of a small group that would be stationed in the badlands, to keep the peace.  Link fighting abilities really shined there, and he would have made a high rank quite quickly.  However he encountered a foe he never expected.  The chicken.

They stalked him.  Each time he was about to get a promotion a chicken would impede him.  He would accidentally punt it, and it would cluck loudly and an army of them would attack everyone.  Or he would accidentally trip and hit it.  Or kick a rock at it, and so forth.  In fact the only reason why Link managed to get a promotion was because he rounded up, bound, and gagged every last one of them in town.  However, due to his...well laziness, the chicken, the chicken rounding up, and general Linkness, he was driving his general slightly bonkers.

To keep the General sane, Link was soon relocated to the Ammy, where he would hopefully never run into a chicken.
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