- Pick 10 songs.
- Translate them from English to German to French, then back to English in an online translator.
- Have people guess what songs they are.
- If they have a line through them, they've already been guessed.
1. Suddenly, a movement in the corner of the room, and there's nothing I can do,
It is obvious to me, and with dismay that the Spiderman me to dinner tonight.
accordion Jirrian got it
2. He is my husband and we have all the balls that we need, if you have a taste that you sidewalk surprised.
3. My heart lifted, melting glaciers in the night and sucked Superstars in widths.
4. Tonight inexorably me, and I am going to the charm I will hide the hard, I am going with my mind. Tonight inexorably me, and I am going to the charm I will drive I will blind, and all I want.
5. Call me Ms. Sexy in your office, sexy girls meet me after work. Let me show you how to do it with, I want to show you how the Post flirts boys.
accordion Jirrian got it
6. Last nite said oh baby, I feel so, you see me, if I feel they are not being used. So I, I reversed. Oh Baby do not care either, I know it's safe, I walk in passing that door.
7. Whenever I see it, I will fall on my knees and pray, I'm waiting for the last minute that you say, the words that I can not say
accordion Jirrian got it
8. It is a Killer Queen, powder, gelatin, dynamite with a laser beam. Guarantee your mind at any time! (This barely counts if you get it right, just puttin' that out there) Everyone knows this except for Kirsten!
9. Spinning on the edge of vertigo, I kissed her face and kissed her head, dreamed of, all the different possibilities, as I had lit for him. "Why are you so far away?" , She said, ach never do not know that I am in love with you?
vergeoffrenzy Hannah wins!
10. Cordon coast, and I asked the question, and receive, because I wish to receive by nodded, what the man said secret, because I am me. Hassen said, I told you. (You will probably never get this)
In other news: All I had that was remotely cool this weekend was Journalism Day at FIU on Saturday. It was a pain to wake up and be there for so long. It was a pain to deal with my mom that day, being stupid and stupid, oh yeah, and stupid. Went with Cindy, got there late and was really hungry.
I met Viviana (berryfondue) completely out of the blue and that was the highlight of my day basically. There was this chick in the editorial thing we were at was talking like she was Gandhi and it was lol. Ate some foods. Got my photos critiqued. Went home and didn't go shopping with Alex/Danny as I was supposed to. Later on I was in self-depreciation mode, and I still am. I hate being a woman sometimes. Today I've done nothing except have cramps and sleep and get dirty doing that god forsaken still life. I'm not doing anything else, FUCK that. Watched Knocked Up with my parents, they didn't like it as much as I did. Ate chinese food. My hands are really cold. Torn between what's cool about having a boyfriend and what's not. In the end, I don't really care.