this is my bed. i sleep there.
the underbed. i'm not sure why this pic is so big. but i have enough food and cleaning supplies under my bed to keep me happy for a very long time. note also the fashion magazines that i hide under my bed. i have a feeling cosmopolitan would not be too popular here?
my uber cluttered desk. note the pink nalgene bottle that EVERYONE ON CAMPUS HAS (this from a school that prides itself on its individuality)
my closet, fridge, dresser and the like. i have toooooo many shoeeeeeeeeeeeeeessss
some of my millions of posters, my floor pillow, hamper and chair that i stole from the orientation so people would have somewhere to sit in my room.
my simple life corner. love you, bitch.
my class in the quad.
and thats all... sorry its not more interesting folks.