[ Current Clothes ] white shirt, pink shorts.
[ Current Mood ] Tierd, Bored
[ Current Music ] aim radio
[ Current Taste ] ham
[ Current Make-up ] none
[ Current Hair ] a ponytail
[ Current Annoyance ] dumb ppl
[ Current Smell ] Nothing really
[ Current Favorite Artist ] none really [ Current Desktop Picture ] its jus purple [ Current Favorite Group(s) ] rascal flatts
[ Current Book you're reading ] none
[ Current CD in CD Player] none for some reason i cant find alot of them
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] pink..gonna go paint them different tho
[ Current Refreshment ] milk
[ Current Worry ] dont wanna talk about it
[ You Touched ] ryan
[ You Talked to ] mom
[ You Hugged ] ryan [ You Instant messaged ] Kate [ You Yelled At ] i havent really yelled at ne one today
[ You Kissed ] ryan
[ Food ] i love ne food. [ Drink ] x factor fruit punch n berry gatorade [ Color ] pink
[ Album ] [ Shoes ] flip flops [ Candy ] them cherry head things
[ Animal ] dog
[ TV Show ] ?
[ Movie ] idk
[ Dance ] idk
[ Vegetable ] cucumbers
[ Fruit ] strawberries, bananas
[ Cartoon ] umm...i dont even kno
[ Understanding ] depends
[ Open-minded ] yes
[ Arrogant ] lol kinda
[ Insecure ] can be.
[ Interesting ] not really
[ Random ] idk
[ Friendly ] try to be
[ Smart ] umm...? no lol
[ Moody ] yes if ppl r making me mad or annoying me
[ Childish ] ..
[ Independent ] no i depend on my mommy [ Hard working ] lol no [ Organized ] in my own way lol..but no
[ Healthy ] i wish
[ Emotionally Stable ] have my moments
[ Shy ] somtimes
[ Difficult ] ??
[ Attractive ] idk you tell me?
[ Bored Easily ] yeah
[ Messy ] yeah...
[ Thirsty ] yes
[ Responsible ] mostly..ehh
[ Obsessed ] I try not to be
[ Angry ] not right now
[ Sad ] sometimes
[ Happy ] right now i'm good ugh besides i miss ryan <3
[ Hyper ] not really
[ Trusting ] yeah [ Talkative ] i have my moments..i like to tell stories..taht mean nothing.. n r dumb lol
[ Kill ] no one.. i mean it would be nice to get rid of a few ppl lol
[ Slap ] some girls!!!!
[ Look Like ] idk
[ Talk To Offline ] Ryan.. ugh i miss him
[ Talk To Online ] no one..
[ My Name Is ] Melissa
[ In The Morning I Am ] Usually sleeping n lazy
[ All I Need Is ] Friends
[ Love Is ] awsome when u find it but can be stressful [ I'm Afraid of ] losing ryan cuz i love him so much [ I Dream About ] this cute boy named ryan<3
Have you ever...
1)Fallen for your Best Friend? noooo
2)Made out with JUST a friend? probably
3)Been rejected or heartbroken? sure...
4)Been in love? So whats the next question???...yes
5)Been in lust? Definetly
6)Used someone? prbly
7)Been used? yeah lots of times.
9)Been cheated on? yeah
10)Done something you regret? kinda
11)Kissed/madeout with someone longer than an hour? prbly not
12)Two hours? im not sure about that one?
13)three hours? damn no
14)Seen your crush naked? ..
15)Ran a mile? yeppers
16)Been ice skating? yeah use to go int he back yard lol
17)Been on a date ice skating? sure havent but thats ok
18)Played more than 2 sports at the same point in time? soccer n cross country or soccer n track yuck..ill stick with soccer n only soccer.
19)Eatin a whole box of pizza yourself? a pan pizza yah
20)Had a job? im tryin to fidn this one yet
21)Been online for more than 3 hours? yeah sue to go on all teh time liek in middle school ugh
22)Laughed so hard you peed your pants? no
23)Taken a shower with someone? ...
24)Taken a bath with anyone? my sisteer when we were lil with r bathing suits lol
25)Kissed someone of the same sex? nope
Do you:
x)Color your hair? nope
x)Have tattoos? nope
x)Piercings? ears
x)Own a digital cam?
x)What should you be doing right now? laundry n stuff for mom. lookin for a job
x)What are you listening to? radio
x)Chicken or fish? chicken definitly
x)Do you have a favorite animal? x)Is ice cream the best thing in the world? almost lol
x)What would your dream date be? idk.
x)Single flower or a dozen? idk its the thought that counts
x)Silver, gold or platinum?
x)Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? home
x)Silly or serious romance? both
x)Marvin Gaye or Barry White? idk
First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Overhule
Last word you said: im trying to sleep (prbly)
Last song you sang: idk
Last song stuck in your head:
What color socks are you wearing: pink n white
What's under your bed: another bed
What's the weather like: sunny with clouds
What time did you wake up today: 8ish
Who do you want to marry: this boy.!!
Are you going to college: some time or another
What is your career going to be: teacher or somethin or another
Where are you going to live: somewhere nice
Where do you want your honeymoon: anywhere were theres a bed. jk
What kind of car will you have: A brand new malibu
Five Things You Are Wearing
1. shorts
2. underwear
3. bra
4. shirt
5. socks
Five Things You Can See
1. computer
2. printer
3. mouse
4. computer desk
5. bed
Five People You Have Kissed
1. Ryan
2. Ryan.
3. Ryan
4. Ryan
5. Ryan
Five Things You Are Doing Right Now
1. sitting
2. this thingy
3. listening to music
4. chatting
5. talkin to mom
Five Things You Ate In The Last 24 Hours
1. pasta salad
2. mints
3. some popcorn at ryans cuz his sisters so sweet.
4. ate one of moms pizza rolls
5. a pickle
Five Things You Did So Far Today
1. Got up
2. Went to mall n kohls with teddie
3. went to the omni with ryan
4. visited mom at work
5. went to ryans..
Five Thoughts In Your Head
1. Im tired n bored
2. i miss ryan hes jus so perfect <3
3. what will i do tomorrow?
4. Why do these stupid ppl always gotta interfer
5. When do i getta see ryan again
Five Objects In Your Room You Love
1. Bed
2. Radio/cd palyer
3. Pictures
4. blow up chairs
5. my care bears n monkeys
finally done..
gonna go to bed now