Title: Blink (and you'll miss it)
gemmi999Fandom: Glee/So Damn Skippy Crossover (see Author's Note for explanation about Glee, if needed)
Word Count: 11,400ish
Pairing: GEN (Mike Carden/Kevin Jonas PRESLASH)
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warning: occasional insults towards religious individuals (in the context of the story, not personal opinion)
Summary: Wherein Kevin Jonas moves to Lima, Ohio to stay with his aunt and uncle. When he gets there he finds out his cousin Quinn has been kicked out because she got pregnant, one of the more popular past-times of the "in" crowd is to throw slushies on people, and Mike Carden is an asshole (even if he lets Kevin cry all over him). Plus? He kind of really misses his brothers.
Thank You's: First off, to my incredible beta
soft2smooth2000. I couldn't have done this without
soft2smooth2000's help! Secondly, thank you to my two incredible fan mixers! I love both mixes (have been listening to them non stop, almost, for the past two weeks!).
Mix One by
rinkinkirs, complete with INCREDIBLE artwork for my story! GO CHECK IT OUT!
Second Mix! Thank you to
quintenttsy for making it! It's glorious! AND AMAZING! Go check them both out! :)
Author's Note: If you are new to the Glee fandom and want a quick intro/pictures of who everybody is, look no further then
right here. This contains spoilers ONLY for the first season, episodes 1 - 12. That is roughly when this story takes place. Glee just finished it's 2nd season and its one of those shows that you kind of fall into.
Part One l
Part Two