Title: Between The Aces
akire_yta and sparrowsverse
Word Count: ~9000
Pairing: skippy
Disclaimer: Not ours, don’t google yourselves.
Summary: Kevin was never sure of his place in life. Confused by thoughts that clashed with what he was taught, he starts to dream of a man in a bowler hat that might be able to help. With the suite of Hearts as a calling card, this strange young man that affects Kevin's every moment might hold the answer that Kevin is searching for. Otherwise known as the magical circus AU
Rating: MA
Warning: a little hint of internalized homophobia, a comment fic plot and one or two swear words.
Notes: aki and sparrow have been comment-ficcing like fiends so brace yourselves :) Written in response to the April picspam challenge, off this picture, and totally unbeta-ed. Google up the title for the card trick if you like.
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here at AO3