20th August 2006

Aug 20, 2006 10:32

Feeling a bit sleepy and tired. 
I cleared a lot of stuff on Thrusday and Friday and did not go out on Saturday. 
I prepared my formal observation on Monday by the my RO and VP. 
Really look forward for the lesson and hope that everything goes well! (Heng Heng!)

Met A on Thursday and she intially wanted to go Fisherman's Wharf. In the end, we could not ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

kare2711 August 20 2006, 03:22:13 UTC
You're looking good ah. Hey btw, give my regards to Jackie.


sodapia August 20 2006, 03:25:03 UTC
Yo.. Thanks! Jackie sent her regards to you too.


kare2711 August 20 2006, 03:28:13 UTC
wah, that's the fastest regard I ever got. How's she btw? Can you tell her I changed phone and lost her number. Ask her to sms me when free leh.


miss_bean August 21 2006, 00:41:57 UTC
wow..pretty girl..u look more and more glam...despite ur busy schedules..can teach me ur secret? ha...me looking more n more auntie each day... =(


sodapia August 21 2006, 03:19:34 UTC
Hey, Thanks thanks.. huh? secret? Do scolding children for not bringing their things, answering weird and interesting questions considered secrets?
You know me, no special secrets. Just the normal 5 steps and make-up.
I think that it's the 'cement' that helps to look good.


miss_bean August 23 2006, 01:41:11 UTC
ha..ya..agree...as they always say :


starting to be hard working like u girls already...hee.. =p


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