Business Ethics definitely falls within the purview of what's being called "Applied Ethics" these days, so you can absolutely spin that in your favor. "Contemporary Moral Problems" is just perhaps a bit wider; I would suggest going to the interview with some sort of idea you could present them for the class. Either some sort of survey of contemporary moral problems (with a list of said topics already in mind; capital punishment, abortion, famine relief, etc.), or a more issue-centered class, with a list of possible readings in mind (a course examining the "ethical self," reading Aristotle, Kant, Korsgaard, Judith Butler, and Simon Critchley, etc.).
Anyway, good luck with the app.--I really ought to be keeping my eyes open for the same sort of thing down here...
I TAed ethics this term (along with political philosophy). These themes were on the syllabus:
1) Deontology and Consequentialism (Kant vs Mill) - you can frame it within the contemporary discussion on torture, human rights, etc. A very heated discussion, by the way, in international law. Central for International Criminal Court (ICC)
2) Sentiment and Intuition : Hume and Ross
3) Against Traditional Moral Theory (Nietzche and MacIntyre)
Among very prominant themes is the discussion on poverty (within utilitarian ethics -Peter Singer. He also writes on animal rights) and on citizenship (citizens vs aliens - Joseph Carens, a Kantian approach)
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Anyway, good luck with the app.--I really ought to be keeping my eyes open for the same sort of thing down here...
1) Deontology and Consequentialism (Kant vs Mill) - you can frame it within the contemporary discussion on torture, human rights, etc. A very heated discussion, by the way, in international law. Central for International Criminal Court (ICC)
2) Sentiment and Intuition : Hume and Ross
3) Against Traditional Moral Theory (Nietzche and MacIntyre)
Among very prominant themes is the discussion on poverty (within utilitarian ethics -Peter Singer. He also writes on animal rights) and on citizenship (citizens vs aliens - Joseph Carens, a Kantian approach)
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