Title: Happiness Author: Sodonii_Chan Pairing: Jonghyun/Key [JongKey] Genre: Angst Rating: PG A/N: Yay, my first fic! Lol. I can't believe I broke my OTP, though. T_T Happy New Years!
Jonghyun is such an ass here...how can he do that to Key?!
*Because Jonghyun’s happiness was his happiness, and because Jonghyun was happy with the life (or lives) he was leading, and that meant Kibum was too. No matter how much it hurt. *
Comments 24
How could Jonghyun do that? D:
I liked this, the angst was <3
Thank you for sharing! ^-^
Don't do that to yourself ~
As depressed as this just made me, I loved it. Short, sweet, and to the point, but with a lot of feeling. Very nice job ~
XD I thought it was fail. But your comment made me feel better about it lol.
*Because Jonghyun’s happiness was his happiness, and because Jonghyun was happy with the life (or lives) he was leading, and that meant Kibum was too. No matter how much it hurt. *
Very well written...=)
Thank you. Lol that was actually one of my favorite lines.
it was awesome, but i didn't know u could write like that. I'm totally jealous but o well. nice job
Lol I'm still waiting on that YeWook fic!
Jong Hyun, why you gotta be such an ass? T___T
Still, I loved this.
gfhdghdghdfshdss. <3
Lol thanks!
and np~~
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