Cloud Nine

Dec 21, 2009 01:32

I wrote a random drabble-ish thing. XD eunyoungsshi gave me an idea, sort of, and I just went with it. But I blame the suckiness on the fact that it's almost one thirty and I have no idea what I'm doing XD At first, I kind of got this from the drama, Tatta Hitotsu no Koi, but then that just went somewhere lol.

You’re smiling all the time now.

Because it’s like you’re on cloud nine, right?

Loving someone, having them love you back. It’s as if nothing can touch you. Other comments don’t even reach your ears. And when they do, they go in one ear and directly exit through the other.

He’s not right for you.

He’ll break your heart.

But you’re not listening. You’re busy staring at him, doodling his name in your notebooks, wondering what you two will do after school. But you’re not thinking about what others are saying; about how they’ve seen him, after school, with that girl. The one with perfect hair, much less unruly than yours. It’s not until you actually listen that you realize that she’s much more fit for him than you are. It’s not until then that you realize all the imperfections and faults about yourself. How your laugh is a little too loud, how your smile isn’t completely proportionate.

But you haven’t listened yet, because you’re still on cloud nine, right?

You don’t realize how love can send you crashing down from your cloud. How, one day, you’ll plummet down to the ground, and won’t be able to get back up for a while. When you finally hit the ground you’ll realize that this wasn’t really anything. Just a fling. Just a way to pass the time.

But you haven’t realized it yet, because you’re on cloud nine…


A/N: Is it sucky? XD Comments are LOVE~


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