Nov 06, 2011 06:18
Some awesome guild news! Tonight the guildies downed Rags for the first time without a mage... I was starting to think that wasn't possible, but apparently with three engineers working in tandem it's workable! So, looking good for future kills.
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Comments 5
...admittedly given that it's not THAT common to have 3 engineers in a 10-man raid, I still think Blizz are somewhat betraying their usual "bring the player not the class" policy in this instance.
Ash, being an engineer, has sometimes run in to tag one when nobody else can, but that's only been once or twice that I can recall. I think I've been melee DPS on only one successful Rags kill, so I'm usually too busy healing to do it.
One of the things I hate about depression is the way it makes me stupid. Normally at least I don't repeat my dorky mistakes.
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