Title: In Which John Is A Disney Princess
Rating: PG-13
Character(s): John, Sherlock
Warning(s): None.
Summary: Animals like John. They like him a lot. Lestrade is confused, John is pragmatic, and Sherlock feels like he's in a Disney movie.
Author's Notes: Remember when that cat was all over John in TGG? And then I saw
this prompt - I always
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Comments 42
John calls back, and then despondently adds, “Oh, god, this is going on Youtube, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” the woman next to Sherlock tells him, and continues filming on her phone.
Which is so cute. (And I thought of Anthea for a moment there.)
And this:
He takes the call; Lestrade takes over remonstrations.
The word play is lovely.
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