Title: The First Test
Rating: PG
Pairing(s)/Character(s): John, Sherlock
Warning(s): None.
Summary: Sherlock thinks either he or the entire world has to change (and it’s not going to be him). John decides he’s going to try and change both.
Part of the
Affection-verse, though this can be read as a stand-alone. Not S2-compliant.
The First Test )
Comments 13
This was, very satisfying! Now I really, really need to see the next story, where Sherlock practices the one thing, just not putting anyone down because of their lack of intelligence: I can already see Greg's slowly growing looking of confusion, and Donovan's not knowing when to stop, to the point where Sherlock leans over to John and whispers loud enough to hear, 'Can they (Donovan) be the exception?'
What you wrote here and what I've got in my sequel actually fit together really well... Companion fics, maybe? Um. *tries to resist temptation*
Companion fics sounds like a fabulous idea! I'm just glad you didn't think I'd over-stepped the bounds by making the suggestions, but this story idea just lends itself to so many entertaining possibilities :)
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