Aug 30, 2005 10:57
I go to college Sept 4. Am I the LAST one in all of Westford to go to college?!?!?! Everyone will have a one-up on me! EEEeeeeEEEEeeP!!
Can someone explain to me how to get a pic of yourself smaller so it fits on THEFACEBOOK??????
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Comments 3
P.S. Brian told me youre mad about the Dane Cook thing after you EVADED coming down. So sorry, tool. I told you that it would be fun. That goes for you too, Colleen. I dont care anymore though.
P.S.S. You guys should shadow at WA before you leave!
PS- I wasn't MAD MAD about Dane Cook, i was "Ooohh that woulda been cool if i could go damnit cripple-gimp" mad. Colleen wanted to see Brian Reagan real bad though cause thats her FAVORITE comedian... :(
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