Also, I went to Blue Man Group

Jan 17, 2006 00:31

Jill pretty much summed up the whole adventure we had, (LMAO btw), so I'll just skip to the funny quotes and etc. moments ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

samwillkillhim January 17 2006, 16:23:00 UTC
WHAT THE FUCK YA DUMB BITCH?!! Now I have to come home, too. Looks like another eight hours of Chinamen for me....


sofa_king_funny January 17 2006, 20:48:04 UTC
Fungwah Bus of DEATH!! Agh! "What kind of Chinese are you?"


But seriously, come back.


i_selloranges January 17 2006, 22:34:26 UTC
You're coming back this weekend?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?! Holy crap how did I miss that the first time I read this????? and yes much sabotaging will occurr indeed......


sofa_king_funny January 18 2006, 13:39:18 UTC
AWESOME!!! Yea, I have to go to a funeral on friday, but after that, it's Grizzly Bear Circle ALL THE WAY!! Criss Cross!!!


teenslave017 January 18 2006, 22:47:01 UTC
Yes, that's right, I bought three volumes of Goosebumps on tape. I'm a winner, I'm a winner. I'm a winner. I'm a winner, I'm a winner. I'm a winner. I'm a winner, I'm a winner. Oh, oh, oh, I'm a winner.


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