Title: Becoming Author: Sofia Pairing/Character(s): Serena & Carter Rating: PG Spoilers: None Summary: Carter left Serena to take responsibility for his actions, but he may have to come back to face a new reality that none of them had expected. Will they be able to face the consequences and the many obstacles thrown in their path?
Title: Strawberry Kisses and Orange Trees Author: Sofia Pairing/Character(s): Serena & Carter Rating: PG Spoilers: None Summary: "I want to do it," she tell him opening her eyes. "No plans, no rules, no compromise, though"
Title: The Clouds Opened For Us Author: Sofia Pairing/Characters: Carter&Serena, Blair&Chuck, Eric Raiting: PG Word Count: 1765 Spoilers: None Summary: Serena and Carter return to NYC with a new family Disclaimer: They're not mine
Title: Strawberry Kisses and Orange Trees Author: Sofia Pairing: Serena-Carter Rating:PG Spoilers: None
Strawberry Kisses and Orange Trees
Since she has arrived in Paris every morning she visits the little café on the left bank of the Seine and sits in her favorite spot. Wedged behind a little table, Serena watches the people around her: the
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