What made you happy in the last 24 hours? Getting my favorite chips, going out to have lunch with my family, resting while watching my current show on Netflix.
What was the last book you read? I finished "Handle with Care" by Jodi Picoult and I am currently about halfway through "A Spark of Light".
What was the most fun thing you did in the last 24 hours? Go to have lunch with my family (and by my family I mean my son and husband).
Have you done anything adventurous lately? Not really.
What was the last thing you regretted doing (or not doing)? Kinda regretted having those chips, lol. I've been trying to diet.
What was the most delicious food you ate in the last 24 hours?: Steak and mashed potatoes.
Do you like the way your hair looks right now?: Nope... it's up in a very messy bun straight outta the shower.
Do you think it rains too much where you live? Not too much, but every time it does it practically floods.
What color is your laptop? Black.
Is your computer slow? Is it having problems? Sometimes it loses the wifi, which gets annoying.
Do you worry a lot, or do you live carefree? I tend to worry.
Do you have a Bible that's falling apart? I don't have a bible.
What did the last pair of earrings you wore look like? Silver hoops.
What is the next fun thing you are planning to do? We're planing on heading out to the beach this weekend.
Do you suffer from chronic pain? I get it in my head that I do... I have some health anxiety.
What was the last thing you did outside? Walked back to my car very slowly from CrossFit.
Do you need to clean your room? It can probably be vaccummed.
What's a current political issue right now that affects you personally? I try not to think too much about it all, but I like to be aware. It's just so stressful.
Have you ever read the Bible all the way through? No.
Do you collect mason jars? No.
What was the last thing you decorated? I redid the bathroom and I love it.
What's on your floor? My son's toys. I'm currently chilling in his room hogging his TV also, lol (he's 3).
What was the last piece of candy you ate? An Altoid.
Are you wearing shorts right now? No.
Who was your first best friend? A girl in pre-kinder named Ashley.
Who was/is your last or current best friend? I haven't had a "best friend" in a long time.
Do you have a best friend currently? ^My husband always says I need to be more open to friendships but for some reason it's hard for me to get close to people in that way, even if I want to. I have plenty of friends, but I haven't had that close best friend that you see in shows and movies :(
Are you lonely? No.
Have you spent most of your life lonely? Not really.
Did you answer your phone in the last 24 hours? Yeah, spoke with my mom yesterday.
What's your favorite magazine to read? I haven't read a magazine in a long time.
What color is the sky right now? Pretty clear and blue.
Do you like the name Skye? Eh.
Do you want to have kids? I have one son.
When was the last time you ate taffy? I don't eat candy.
Name three toppings you like on a salad. Chia seeds, onion crisps, dressing.
Do you like pineapple? Yes, especially with Tajin.
Would you rather visit Asia or Europe? Europe.
Which Asian country would you like to visit most? Japan.
Do you know anyone who travels all the time? A few people.
Do you think it's selfish to travel all the time, when most people can't? No.
Would you ever consider studying abroad? Not at this point in my life.
What was the last thing you ate? Grapes.
Are you happy with your life right now? Pretty happy, but you can always go higher, right?
What color was your first phone? Pink and black.
Do you remember your high school locker combination? Yes.
If you're a youtuber, list three companies you'd like to sponsor you: Not a youtuber.
Do you miss someone? Kind of. It's complicated with my parents.
If applicable, how long did it take you to grieve the loss of your best friend? What are all these questions about best friends?
Do you wear flip-flops? Sometimes.
Which do you like better: cacti, palm trees, or maple trees? Maple trees are nice but I like palm trees also because it means I am at the beach.
What type of tree do you see most of where you live? There are tons of trees because we live near all these nature running trails but I've never paid attention to what type they are.
Have you ever seen fireflies? Yeah, tons.
Can you see the moon from your bedroom window? No. It's at a weird place.
Are you between the ages of 30 & 40? Yes. 33!
What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon growing up? They were mostly shows I would watch in the morning, but a cartoon I can think of would be like Arthur, Hey Arnold, or Bobby's World.
What was your favorite toy as a child? A Barbie. I still have her.
In High School did you wear acid washed jeans? No.
How much was a gallon of gasoline when you first started driving? I don't remember.
What was your first car? I'm not counting all the cars where I was a cosigner. The first car I got completely on my own was a Hyundai Tucson.
Who taught you how to drive? My dad and my husband (we met in high school).
What was your high school mascot? A Viking.
Did you go to your Senior Prom? Yes. With my now hubby :)
What did you do after graduation? Went out to dinner with my family.
What was your first job? At an accounting office.
What did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher or a psychologust.
Any posters on your bedroom walls growing up? Tons.
Do you remember the first time you drank a beer? No.
Did you ever try cigarettes? Once, so gross.
How did you spend your summers growing up? We didn't do anything. Just stayed home. Maybe go to the beach once or twice. My dad would work. Our summers consisted of a lot of trips to the public library, which fostered my love of reading.
If you could change anything from your teenage years, would you? Yes... I would take more chances. I was so quiet and shy. A big rule follower.
Do you remember your first time? Yes.
Ever look back and wish some things were still the same? Not really, no.
After high school - straight to college or straight to work? Both.
How much did you make per hour at your first job? Whatever the minimum was... it was like $5 something. And I thought I was rich, lol.
Favorite home-cooked meal growing up? Tamales. Carne asada.
Favorite place to eat out growing up? We didn't go to many restaurants growing up, but any pizza place was always good. We use to have such good times at Peter Piper Pizza.
Good habits. Bold if you do it daily:
Talking with a positive person.
Writing down three good things that happened to you each day.
Getting some sun (or a happy light, if it’s a gray day.)
Moving your body (walk, exercise) for 20 minutes or longer.
Walking a dog or pet an animal.
Asking for a hug from one person a day.
Calling an old friend or relative.
Investing 30 minutes a day doing a hobby you enjoy and find relaxing.
Buying something new (even something small)
Breathing deeply for at least two minutes.
Stretching different body parts for ten minutes.
Listening to something calming and distracting (news, music) unrelated to whatever is stressing you out.
Cuddling (with a lover, friend or even a pet)
Detaching from the source of stress
Sniffing lavender or geranium essential oil
Sitting in the sun (outside) for five minutes.
Painting a picture.
Talking to a friend
Spending ten minutes grooming (nails, bath, hair.)
Taking a nap.
Chewing a piece of gum.
Listing three things you genuinely like about yourself.
Reading those three things out loud.
Doing this daily.
Standing up straight.
Letting your hands hang naturally at your sides.
Dressing in clothes that flatter you.
Outlining your thoughts/words before you enter an intimidating situation.
Refusing to fidget.
Paying attention to the other person instead of your own insecurity.
Repeating a mantra in your head.
Taking a small risk daily.
Finding something that makes you a little nervous (like talking to strangers)
Asking for compliments from a trusted friend or relative.
Devoting 15 minutes a day to reading a spiritual text (Bible, spiritual book, spiritual workbook.)
Walking in the woods.
Performing one thoughtful act of kindness for a stranger.
Giving up one physical pleasure or material possession.
Joining a group of like-minded individuals from whom you can learn and be inspired.
Looking up at the stars.
Enjoying a sunset or sunrise.
Writing out how a person you encountered that day could enrich your life journey.
Taking up meditation.
Paying attention to the details.
Focusing acutely on an immediate sensation.
Investing emotionally in a current interaction.
Making a conscious effort to smile.
Making eye contact with someone new.
Introducing yourself to someone new.
Asking open-ended questions about this new person’s preferences.
Talking about common ground issues.
Finding a way to laugh together.
Investing an extra twenty minutes a day in personal hygiene.
Smiling often.
Refusing to gripe, complain or talk about anything negative.
Establishing and maintaining eye contact.
Cleaning up the bedroom.
Eating six small, healthful meals a day to keep satisfied and on track.
Eating a first meal within 30 minutes of waking up.
Moving your body for ten minutes or longer first thing in the morning.
Drinking a glass of water before each meal.
Filling your plate with vegetables and lean meat.
Replacing something white (starch, processed foods) with something green, orange, red or brown (vegetables, protein, lentils) at every meal.
Trying a new physical activity (rock climbing, whitewater rafting, yoga, dance class.)
Walking your dog.
Parking in the furthest parking spot.
Making protein.
Performing a set number of squats every morning before work.
Performing a set number of pushups every morning before work.
Lifting a set number of weights each morning before your shower.
Committing to an easy form of exercise each day.
Writing down your exercise goal and actual achievements each day.
Taking your pulse while exercising.
Paying attention to how you feel while exercising.
Scheduling exercise like you would appointments.
Achieving one micro goal per day.
Checking in with a mentor each day.
Spending ten minutes a day reviewing pointers you’ve learned from someone who is better than you.
Reading on a sport-specific forum each day.
Investing in a book on your sport and read a specific amount of time each day.
Drinking a cup of herbal tea before bed.
Going to sleep at the same time each night.
Waking up at the same time every morning (including weekends and holidays.)
Dimming the lights in that half hour before bed.
Taking three to five milligrams of melatonin a half hour before bed.
Tensing up all of your muscles, and then relax them, repeatedly, until you feel completely relaxed
Lowering the temperature in your bedroom and use a heavy blanket for warmth.
Covering (or move) all LED lights in the room.
Turning on a sound machine (ocean, rain, white noise) for the night.
Keeping daily activities out of the bedroom.
Packing (from home) what you need to eat for each day.
Eating one piece of fruit or one serving of raw vegetables (carrots, celery, cucumbers) mid morning and mid afternoon.
Packing a healthy snack for the ride home from work.
Shopping from the outer rim of the grocery store (produce, meat, dairy), avoiding processed foods.
Splitting restaurant meals in half.
Asking a friend or coworker to split meals with you when eating out.
Order meals off the healthy section of the menu.
Adding a slice of lemon or lime to your water.
Replacing soda with seltzer water.
Replacing cold sugar-sweetened drinks with iced herbal teas or iced coffee (sans cream and sugar.)
Replacing high fat hot drinks with flavorful hot tea or flavored coffee.
Replacing regular juice with low sugar juices or flavored seltzer waters.
Avoiding cream and sugar.
Drinking a glass of (unsweetened) green tea three times a day.
Sprinkling cayenne pepper or cinnamon on foods and beverages.
Adding ice to cold drinks.
Exercising in the cold.
Flossing every night before bed.
Walking for a half hour every day.
Hugging someone every day.
Eating something live (fresh fruit or vegetables) every day.
Trying a new healthy recipe every day.
Making it a point to avoid smoke (including second hand smoke)