Back in June, Cory and I had a little discussion about fanfic - he didn't like it; in fact, it sort of bugged him. I made several good points, caused him to reconsider his views a bit, and wound up with a mission: Share Some Transformative Fanworks. \o/
So while I was visiting him in August, he made me watch a whole bunch of things and I figured it was only fair if I made him watch some things, too. I gathered up 15 vids that I liked, thought he would not loathe, and felt represented some of the best my personal vid collection (which was not large, alas) had to offer.
I don't remember exactly what order I played these vids in; I didn't think I'd be posting about this and so I didn't keep any notes. And since I just dumped things into a folder and played them individually, the item order there isn't any help. :( But I did play them all in one sitting.
Here is, reconstructed as well as I could manage, Vids I Showed My Boyfriend As Part Of My Attempts To Explain Transformational Fandom:
Women's Work by sisabet and sockkpuppett (Supernatural)
This is the first vid I ever watched (and therefore I made it the first vid he watched), and I think it set my standards for content and meaning.
Vogue by sockkpuppett (300)
This vid seems to be one of the best-known outside of fandom. It would have felt wrong to leave it out.
Destiny Calling by charmax (X-Men, Spiderman, Superman, Daredevil, The Incredibles, Fantastic 4, Batman)
Cory likes superheroes, so I figured he would like this one. I was right! Funny how that works.
Origin Stories by giandujakiss (Buffy and Angel)
Cory had started me on Buffy that week, and he'd done a rewatch earlier in the summer. Therefore, a Buffy vid! But not, I think, the kind of Buffy vid he was expecting.
Unbeatable by
leanwellback (Scott Pilgrim)
My intro to this was pretty much, "Look, it's a Scott Pilgrim vid! Your argument is invalid!"
Brand New Day by fahrbotdrusilla (Watchmen)
Another instance of "I like this vid! You like its components even more than I do. Maybe you will like this vid!"
Still Rolling by
fizzyblogic (Anchorman; Angel: the Series; Blades of Glory; Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Criminal Minds; Dodgeball; Doctor Who; Enchanted; Friends; How I Met Your Mother; Hot Fuzz; Liar Liar; Music and Lyrics; Pirates of the Caribbean; Red Dwarf; Run Fatboy Run; Scrubs; Serenity; Shaun of the Dead; Spaced; Star Trek XI; Supernatural; The Chronicles of Narnia; The IT Crowd; The Mighty Boosh; You I Love; Zoolander)
The other kind of vid I really love (besides serious critical vids) are funny vids. Like this one.
I Just Can't Wait To Be King by
lcsbanana (Star Trek 2009)
I don't have insightful commentary on this one or anything. I just like it.
"White" and Nerdy by talitha78 (Psych)
I figured I was going to have to explain this vid (even though I can't really because I don't know the show at all), but Cory is familiar with Psych, actually.
Can't Touch This by
bitter_crimson (Pushing Daisies)
On the other hand, I knew Cory would get this one because he mentioned watching Pushing Daisies. When he saw the file name, he was like, "Is that really set to that song?" and yes, really.
High School Never Ends by milena_d (SG-1)
And he also knows SG-1!
a lieutenant colonel is being beaten by
thingswithwings (Stargate Atlantis)
Ah, the one "edgy" vid I'd slipped in there (you will note the dearth of slash vids). Cory wasn't familiar with SGA, and I don't really know the show except through fannish osmosis, which made explaining the vid kinda challenging.
Get Low by sisabet (Resident Evil)
Okay, so. I included this vid because we'd heard the song earlier in the week (I don't remember where) and I had sporfled and then had to explain that there was this vid...
Tik Tok by ember_top_hat20 (Sherlock Holmes)
I can't remember now whether I included this one as an example of weird-but-awesome music/source pairings, or because we'd talked about the Sherlock Holmes movie, or what.
Faster Kill Pussy Cat by talitha78 (Smallville)
"I think this vid is hot!" Yes, that was my entire reason. I am working on a Vids 201 playlist as well. Suggestions welcome.
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