Title: A Perfect Summer Night
Fandom: DCU
Characters: Dick (as Robin), Barbara (as Batgirl)
Pairings: Dick/Babs
Rating: PG
Words: 486
Story Notes: Okay, I kinda forced this, but it's sorta fluffy at the end... I didn't mean for it to be like that. *is shot* But the ending sorta describes their whole relationship, in a way. Anyways, for
2011 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge. <3
It was a quite, lone, peaceful night in Gotham, which was so very rare, it was only the second time Dick has experienced it in his whole career of Robin so far. It was mid-summer, and there was a warm breeze pulling his cape, a yellow flash of light in the midnight sky.
He could sense her. He always could sense her. He knew her sent to a T, and the wind just carried it to him. Dick was quiet for a while just enjoying it, then his face broke out into a smirk. “Get a picture, Batgirl, it'll last longer.”
Dick could hear her huff and cross her arms, “Shut up, Robin. I was just seeing how long it would take for you to realize I was here.”
“I realized you were coming to me even before you arrived to me.” He turned to faced her, a smirk still present on his face, “I guess I'm just that amazing, right?”
Barbara scoffed, she couldn't even believe how fed up he was! “Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to think. Just remember that next time I have to save you... Again.” Now it was her turn to smirk, and his turn to cross his arms and huff.
“You know Batgirl, you won't make many friends acting like that.”
“I was just teasing Robin, and besides,” she flipped her ginger hair over her shoulder, just to have the summer breeze blow back over, “you started it.”
Dick laughed lightly and walked up towards her. “Yeah, I always start it, don't I?”
Barbara was kind of surprised of his reply, but nodded. “Yeah, you always do.”
They were quiet for a moment, until Dick sat back down onto the ledge of the building, patting the spot next to him for Barbara to sit on. She complied and sat down, both enjoying the peace and quiet. It was a perfect summer night, and they both knew it in their hearts that they wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else but each other.
No matter how much they want to deny it, they really do feel something... Something that they're too young to understand yet, but what they feel is eternal love. No matter how they end up in the future, they'll always have a special place for each other in their hearts. They'll always love each other, even though it'll take them a while to figure it out.
But for now, all they know, all they understand, is that they feel something strong. So all they can do, is slowly lean over, and brush their lips together. It'll get more passionate as the years go on, but for now, on this perfect summer night, it fits. It fits their age, their relationship, this night.
Robin and Batgirl. The originals. They're always meant to be together. No matter what.