I am tired and my head hurts all the time. I am afraid of losing you as a friend. I am afraid of your hands and my hands, of what our brains do, of the things we don't know about each other. I spend these mornings alone; I watch and listen to you sleep. Sometimes I wish that you were someone else, that I were watching and listening to someone
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Comments 13
how do i hear allen's?
i am living these words. i am tongue-tied and uneasy with the life i am living and it is all right here:
I want to escape and I am perhaps looking for excuses. If I were to fall in love with someone else. If I were to once again fall in love with you. It would be only after a period of forgetting.
i wish i could say -- it will be okay. but i do not think you are trying to make it okay; i think it already is just okay and i think you want more than the realms of okay, but rather happy and relieved.
i am sorry that things are hard for you right now. i am always sad when people say that they can relate to what i am saying when what i am saying feels terrible. i hope things work themselves out for you; or rather, i hope you can work things out--i believe that you are stronger and more patient than the fates. and as i know i don't make my self the most available human being on earth, my inbox is always open to you, and i hope that you know that.
on a less or perhaps more personal note: your photographs recently--especially the one of the girl in the backyard with the pot--are lovely. that one in particular.. something about the shadows on the shed.. feels incredibly familiar and powerful. what schools're you applying to?
i sent pieces of what you wrote to a boy named michael up north. when we spoke on the telephone last wednesday, he said -- michelle, you sound sad. but i could not explain the rips or tears of my heart, but sending him what you wrote explained perfectly how i was, how i am.
as for college, i am applying to nyu; bard; eugene lang; scad in savannah, georgia; northwestern; st. edwards in austin, texas; & brooks institute of photography. it is a very tiring process.
thank you.
there gets a point when you feel ...rutted... almost...
and it is quite hard to explain. you did well with your words.
and by the way, i'll make you sinfinately explode.
by explode, do you mean, romantically combust?
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