Intrspection part 2

Apr 01, 2010 10:07

I am going to combine two ideas on this one - being a man at arms and fighting.

After several long discussion with my knight, husband and LJ entries I became a man at arms this last 12th night. As stated in other entries it has been interesting to see what this means to me. It means more than I thought it would. There is something about being able to say "my knight" that cant be described. It has motivated me to do things like go to coronation in West Virginia, which I wouldn't have done before because it's West Virginia and that is a long trip for 3 kids in a car. But how can I not go - its "my knight" becoming King. Its also done subtle things like been an extra motivator to get to the gym when I feel lazy. It means I am more interested in intellectually improving my fighting, learning more tactics, and reading historical battles. I am also am more seriously looking into fencing now.
Which brings us to fighting. In Feb I was able to armour up and do combat archery at an regional event. I realized at that time the last time I had been in armour was 2 Pennsic before - when I was barely pregnant with G. I remember at pax last summer I purposely did not hang out on the fighting field much 1) I had a 4 month old 2) I was envious of Iain who was able to fight. G was a very frequent nurser so if there were opportunities to fight I did not feel comfortable doing so. Then winter hit. G finally spread out his nursing, but my opportunity to do combat archery had really dried up. It doesn't help that when there is fighting I naturally tell Iain to fight and I watch the kids, not that he hasn't watched the kids so I can fight, but I have the habit of believing that his fighting is more important than mine. (in some sense it is true - he is a mar shall and a kingdom commander where as I hold no heavy fighting positions) I am hoping as the weather warms up and there is more opportunity for CA that I will get the fight more. A big part of it will be people to watch G. I know tons of people who will keep an eye of Ky or RJ, but G is a different ballgame. I miss fighting. I miss the adrenaline, the rush, my mind automatically taking things in and coming up with tactics (they may or may not work). I don't miss guys not taking my shots. I am also authorized in spear. Spear fighting is very different for me that CA. Its a different mind set and more difficult for me. 1) it takes a lot more arm strength and practice than I been able to give it and more concentration. Somehow I feel like I can do CA and still be available if the kids need me, but if I pick up the spear I am not available. I not sure how to explain it. i get more into the game? more tunnel vision? Also I get alot more hurt playing spear vs CA. I will reauthorize in spear this summer even if I don't play it often. I think once G gets older and I get gauntlets spear could be lots of fun. But that's the future - for now I do CA when I can and get frustrated that that is not often.
That I one of the reason I went to learn fencing. Fencing is done year around. Also I am hoping to convince a local fencer to come to my house to teach me so that I can put a video in for G and actually learn for a while without worrying about him. (Plus Iain has no fencing offices so there is no reason why he should fence instead of me)I am interested to see if I have a more CA mindset or a more Spear mindset with it. If the fencer cant come here to teach me I guess it will be a couple years before I learn that also.*sigh*
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