1. ok pamela. just remember, anytime you talk to someone who initially gives you hardcore social anxiety, it ends up being definitely worth it
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Realizing my updating this journal is just one sentence at a time, once in a while...basically what a twitter is...maybe I should just use twitter? Succumb to that bullshit, yes? Everything can become more and more succinct now
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-would never say where she came from -knows there's no success like failure and a failure's no success at all -knows too much to argue or to judge -smiles sweetly -knows, moves, woos
Realizing that there is a reason why people have called you a BITCH and an ASSHOLE in the past, that there was a justification behind that accusation...
"In a spectacular display of destructive ingenuity of the time, the LTTE demolished nearly 40 buildings in Jaffna city at a single stroke. Government forces later said that when the buildings were blown up, they fell exactly like a pack of cards."