Urban Outfitters UO #1 (Status: Open)

Jun 21, 2011 00:23

This is my first spree, so please join only if comfortable(:
All t&c are listed below, you may order via commenting here or through email.


Terms & Conditions

-          No payment = no order. All payment has to be in before the spree closes. Let me know if you need extra time to make the transfer, this will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

-          Shortfalls in exchange rate will be reflected in topup sheet. Excess will not be refunded.

-          Spree will be cancelled if response is poor. Refunds will be made accordingly.

-          I am not responsible for wrong/damaged goods sent by the merchant. All orders will be double-checked during checkout.

-          I am not responsible for any loss due to normal mail. Registered postage is highly recommended.

-          Please check if item is OOS by adding to cart before submitting orders to me.

-          Refunds will only be made upon arrival of shipment.

-          I hold no liability for any delays/problems with shipment due to unforeseen circumstances and human error on merchant’s side.

-          I reserve the rights to amend shipping units upon arrival of shipment.



Spree cap

USD 250

Exchange rate

USD 1.00 = SGD 1.307

Payment method

POSB SAVINGS 209-73858-9

Interbank transfers are not accepted.

2 payments in total:

1st payment: (Total amount in USD * 1.307) + (2 x No. of items)

2nd payment: International shipping topup + handling fee (S$0.75) + local postage fee

Initial shipping of $2 per item will be collected first.

Shipping method

USD$40.00 (About 1-2 weeks)

Distribution mode

Local postage - Normal/Registered

Meetups available at Ang Mo Kio, Raffles Mrt, Orchard Mrt, Somerset Mrt. (Details will be available upon arrival of shipment)


Via email when

(a) items are ordered;

(b) items are shipped;

(c) items have arrived.


Format of order (Please follow accordingly! And enter all information.)


Email address:

Bank type/account number:

Item #1

Item name:

Item code:





Price in USD:

Alternative if OOS: (price must be the same, or lower. Please provide URL, color & size.)

*Copy as per above for subsequent items*

Total number of items:

Total price in USD:

Total price in SGD = (USD$ * 1.307) + ($2 x no. of items)

Payment info-

Amount transferred:

Transaction reference:


For atm, please attach snapshot of receipt.

For ibanking, please provide details of ibanking transaction or printscreen.

Enquiries/submission of order

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