Ahahaha, so many fantastic vids! Fantastic vids everywhere! VVC Time is the best time. *rolls around in piles of vids*
I Wanna Go by
millylicious "Angelina Jolie is a Big Damn Action Star." Oh my, it's the Angelina Jolie vid of my heart!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! All her badass action movies packed into one awesome vid. My resurfaced Jolie crush is still in high gear, so perfect timing. *g*
Sucker Punch:
Blow by
winterevanesce Ensemble. AMAZING EPICNESS RIGHT HERE. So, so awesome.
Doctor Who:
You Told the Drunks I Knew Karate by
settiai Rory, Rory/Amy. You were the most exciting thing I'd ever known. Awwwww, Rory. <3
Black Dove (January) by
kiki_miserychic River! She never let on how insane it was. I love River and I love this vid.
All We Are by
chaila43 Ensemble. So lovely. I miss this show. :(
Sarah Connor Chronicles:
Boy With a Coin by
chaila43Ellison and his relationship with John Henry, Savannah, & Weaver. Unconventional robot family unit with religious symbolism, yes! Just gorgeous.