(no subject)

Mar 02, 2005 16:21

I decided to write down (some of)my favorite Gilmore Girls Quotes...

please contribute, i want to make a list of the best gg quotes. feel free to repeat quotes as well
-(clara, deans little sister to jess)"jess cant throw"
(jess)"yes i can"
(clara)"You missed every time!"
(jess)"i cant concentrate with you rannoying midget voice yammering on and on. Its like having stuart little shoved in my ear"
-(jess to rory)"i got the video for tonight"
(rory)"what'd you get?"
(jess)"almost famous."
(rory)"no, not again."
(jess)"i cant help it, im addicted"
(rory)"fine, but if im going to spend two hours sitting and watching kate hudson commit suicide we're ordering Indian food."
(jess)"oh, come on!"
(rory)"Hey, last night when we watched Ed Wood we got burgers like you wanted to."
(jess)"okay, fine-tonight, indian food. but tomorrow, Saturday Night Fever and tai food"
(lane)"thats so cute, your like a really sweet old agoraphobic couple."
(jess)"thank you very much."
-(jess to rory about yale)"22.8 miles."
(rory)"how'd you know that?"
(jess)"do you yahoo?"
(rory)"you looked it up?"
(rory)"you looked it up."
(jess)"i just hit a couple buttons on the computer"
(rory)"you looked it up"
(jess)"i was bored. there was nothing on tv and i was fooling around, it was something to do, thats it"
(rory)"you looked it up"
-(rory to jess about prom)"it means a tux, you know. I know its geeky"
(jess)"Tukes are also James Bond. Thats not geeky."
(rory)"Your kind."
(jess)"and going to stash a change of clothes in the limo"
-(luke to jess)"we need a solution. . .to [TJ]"
(jess)"a soloution would have been birth control. too late, move on."
-(luke to jess) "[TJ is] a grown man with an etch-a-sketch!"
(jess)"well shake him real hard and maybe he'll disapeer!"
-(rory to jess) " you wanted to talk so talk. what do you have to say to me?"
(jess)"I love you."

-"Oy with the poodles already!"
-(LORELAI) Uh, so let's get back to the party recap. Any little details you wanna tell Mommy?
(RORY) Jess and Dean got into a fight.
(LORELAI) Over you.
(RORY) I was a contributing factor.
(LORELAI) Was anyone hurt?
(RORY) No.
LORELAI: And that's why the cops came and broke up the party?
(LORELAI) So not only did you go to a cop-raided party but you started the raid?
(RORY) Yes.
(LORELAI) This fence is broken because of you, this crap is on the ground because of you.
(RORY) What's your point?
(LORELAI) [sings] Did you ever know that you're my hero?
(RORY)Oh my God!
(LORELAI) [sings] You're everything I would like to be. And I could fly higher than an eagle, 'cause you are the wind beneath my wings.
-(Lorelai to luke)"Think of something not funny"
(lorelai)"Avalanches, earthquakes"
(luke) "not doin' it"
(loreali) "famine..and i'm out."
-(lorelai to rory)"im going to go make out in the closet, dont steal my chicken"

-(paris to rory) "im going out"
(rory) "with who? spike and drusilla?"
-(dean to rory)"your into him! i know it, everybody else knows it!"
(rory to jess)"what [dean] said was true. all of it was true"
-(jess to rory)"do you have something to tell me?"
(rory)"I like your crazy hair."
(rory to jess)"you and Springsteen, the working mans hero."

-(luke to lorelai) "this thing that we're doing, i just wanted to let you know, i am in. i am all in."
-(luke to lorelai)"and then i fell out of your tree"
(lorelai)"hmmm sit down"
(luke)"i fell on my back. i felt like kirk"
-(lorelai to luke)"Im going to get you a real bandage."
(luke)"i like the barbie ones."
(lorelai)"but honey if you get one of those all the big kids will make fun of you"
-"i havent gotten in a fight since sixth grade. Vince Williams called me a doddy head. I took it very personaly."

-"i hate dolls."
-(lorelai to michel) "Im the person whose foot is going to to prevenbt him from sitting down, thats who i am"
(michel)"you always promise to hurt him, but then you don't. you're a taylor tease."

"Isnt she hilarious? I never know what shes saying half the time, but she is hilarious!"
-"Look its gypsy!"
and my favorite episode happens to be" Nag Hammidi Is Where They Found the Gonstic Gospels" or in simpler terms, ,the one where jess tells rory he loves her
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