It seems like I only ever post these days when I'm posting fiction. I wish I had more time! I'm hoping to be on again soon. In the meantime, here's the latest Jackal/Marui.
Disclaimer: Prince of Tennis isn't mine. I make no profits. Etc.
Warnings: teenage awkwardness
A/N: Apparently, I'm obsessed with awkward boys at the moment. We'll see if I can write something different next time. Written for
30_kisses theme #12: in a good mood.
Laughing It Off
by Solanum Dulcamara
Summer vacation lulled past in the peculiar way it does - too slowly while happening, too quickly when over. The afternoon heat sweltered outside and in, creating rippling mirage effects on pavement and stagnating air in houses and apartments. An occasional breeze filtered warm air through a window in Kanagawa where two boys did their level best not to elevate their body temperatures with movement.
"It's hot."
"Too hot."
"That says a lot coming from you. I still can't believe Sanada gave us the week off of tennis practice."
"I think that there was some kind of discussion about the legal ramifications of one of us dying of heat stroke. With the predicted record highs all week, he couldn't really do anything but give us a break."
"It's still weird. Yukimura wouldn't give us a break."
"I would think you'd be in a better mood about it."
They laid side by side on the floor of Jackal's bedroom with a fan blowing full-blast across them. Their t-shirts were long since abandoned and their shorts clung with sweat. They touched only where Marui's small toe rested innocuously against Jackal's calf.
"Do you want to do anything?" Marui didn't have to see Jackal shrug to know he had. "We should have gone to the beach."
"It's kinda late for that now."
"Mm. The pool is too crowded."
"Mm. I can't work up the energy to play video games."
"Mm. I'm too broke to go to the movies." Marui's speech paused long enough for him to take a few token chews of his ever-present melon gum. It was generally too hot to be bothered with chewing. "Wanna make out?"
The heavy whir of the fan filled the silence - the room only felt hotter. It was as if they both held their breath long enough for Marui's question to sink in and, if possible, sink into the floor. The exhale in the aftermath was sudden, collective and filled with their laughter. Jackal rolled onto his side to punch Marui in the shoulder.
"You have the lamest sense of humor."
"You just can't appreciate my genius. Now peel me off the floor so we can go get ice cream."
"Next you're going to tell me I'm buying." Marui's lack of answer was confirmation enough; nonetheless, Jackal hefted himself to his feet and reached down to yank up his doubles partner.
"Your floor is uncomfortable."
"Quit complaining. You left a big sweaty wet spot on my floor."
Marui grinned unrepentantly.
They threw on their shirts with the careless ease only available to teenage boys and left the room, left the fan blowing across the spot they'd just vacated. They raced each other down the stairs and out the front door, pausing barely long enough to get their shoes on their feet in the foyer. Neither mentioned the way their hearts had sped up in the pause or the tension in their laughter afterwards. They left that back in the room with the fan.