Feb 20, 2008 11:12
Christa: had a dream about you last came over to visit...and when you left you left behind a little fluffy grey kitten scratches head and shrugs yeah, i don't get it either
me: kitten?? That's awesome.
If only I always left cute little grey kittens in my wake
Feb 13, 2008 11:58
I knew it. I was just starting to gain weight from sitting at a desk all day. Now all the stress of the varius move (office and home) is taking it right back off. Oh, joy of all joys.
Feb 12, 2008 19:28
Writers strike is over, y'all!! Whoo hoo!!!
Feb 11, 2008 22:22
I don't want to move because I am obsessed with my terrific closet. This is a total bummer. I have the greatest closet in the world.
Feb 11, 2008 09:47
I'm planning a party, all by myself with some toast and a cup of coffee. ~Wil
Feb 10, 2008 20:31
Solaraaranel - deftly striking the balance between challenging social norms and just learning to get along since 1981.
Feb 08, 2008 09:38
Loudest coffee pot known to man! Good grief, it's morning Mr. Coffee, can you keep it down a little??
Feb 02, 2008 16:56
on the scale of 1 to cool, I am usually about 6, sometimes 7 by accident. But next to shall-remain-nameless, I am subzerozero. The kind of, I'm not cool enough to lick your feet and you are still talking to me, how did that happen? kind of subzerozero. You=perfect, beautiful. Me=silly, quiet, lump. *sigh* yep.
Feb 02, 2008 16:39
Yahoo! TV beta (emphasis on the beta) lists my birthday as November 30, 1999. Wow, I always thought I looked young for my age, but who knew I was really 9 years old?
Feb 02, 2008 12:47
I just got a livejournal post widget! whee! Maybe this means I will update more.
Now if only I couldget a widget that had my friends page on it . . .