Title: Five Messages Sent While on Shore Leave
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/Spock-ish
Rating: G
Wordcount: 300
Notes: 5 Things/Epistolary fic for
pez_gurl, with thanks to
ocelotspots and everyone on Twitter for the encouragement and the crazy. <3
Summary: If you were here, I would share my peanut butter balls with you.
HERE read by
sly_hostetter -------------------
hey spock. how's the colony? anything interesting happening? next time we get extended shore leave, remind me how boring iowa is.
Hey Spock. Look, I'm capitalizing! So now you don't have to be all snippy about it. And don't tell me you weren't, because you totally were. I have no idea what all that stuff about ecosystems meant, but I'm glad you're having fun. Or whatever you Vulcans have instead of fun. (That was a joke.)
Iowa is still boring. The bars are not as interesting as I remember. 1 week, 3 days until we get our ship back.
Hey Spock. How's things? Iowa continues to be boring. I'm not leaving the house until shore leave is up. People keep trying to convince me to marry their daughters. I guess saving the world means I don't have an 'attitude problem' anymore?
Mom has taken up baking. I think she's trying to get us to 'bond' or 'communicate' or something. She made peanut butter cookies, but they wound up ball-shaped instead of cookie-shaped. They taste good, though. Do Vulcans even eat peanut butter?
6 days to go.
PS- Do you think Chekov's grandmother will send kulich again?
Hey Spock. I didn't ask if you knew, I asked if you thought she might. It's hypothetical.
If you were here, I would share my peanut butter balls with you. But you're not, so I guess I'll just save you some. 4 days left. Do you think that's enough time to learn to juggle hyposprays? Bones' birthday is coming up...
Hey Spock. The juggling isn't his gift, it's the entertainment. Don't worry, there's a nice bottle of illegal alcohol with his name on it.
Guess you'll be catching a shuttle soon, right? You owe me a chess game when we get back.
Can't wait to see you. Shore leave sucks.