Title: Home
Fandom: Young Avengers
Pairing: Billy/Teddy
Rating: PG
Warnings: minor Civil War spoilers, but as long as you know which side they're on, you're good.
Wordcount: 100! (a true drabble! *shock*)
Notes: Just a little thing I wrote on the train today. It probably sucks, but whatever. Here it is. ^-^
Billy Kaplan shivered as he realized that he hadn't seen his family in more than two weeks. They were in their fourth safehouse of the week, and he was beginning to wonder if they'd ever be able to go home again. As if he had mysteriously developed telepathy, Teddy reached out and put a comforting arm around his waist, tugging him backwards across the cheap, scratchy sheets to cuddle into the shapeshifter's warm, bare chest. He slowly relaxed, accepting the comfort and reassurance. He missed his family, but he would see them again, and until then... home was right here.