Tuesday, December 6: Turn in History and Theory of Drama paper. (It's on Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus: I make a few really clever observations, but not much of an argument, which seems to be ok with the professors. Maybe I'll come up with something brilliant. So was Marlowe a heretic, or not?) Take Greek final. (Should not be any trouble at all, but I do need to study for it sometime.)
Wednesday, December 7: Take the Quantum Mechanics final (like Greek, I just need to study for it), immediately followed by the Bioinorganic Chemistry final. (No idea what to expect for that one. Prof. He says that a good third of the test is going to be "literature analysis: because you guys need to be able to read an article and understand it." A fair enough statement, but is a final exam really the best way to assess that? He could have, say, given us a few homework assignments throughout the quarter. And we have already done a literature review. And that just leaves room for a couple of extra questions (it's only an eighty-minute exam): my money's on electric potential tuning and the cytochrome P450 mechanism. And my guess is that the literature review will be on adenosyl radical chemistry, so that he can ask us to draw the structure of SAM.) Then I'll be done by noonish, so I can finish applying to graduate schools (UCSF, Caltech, Columbia, and Johns Hopkins remain), and hunt down a few more Christmas presents.
Thursday, December 8: Continue applying to graduate schools. (I know perfectly well I won't get it done in one afternoon). Clean the apartment as best as I can. Fly to Maryland.
Friday, December 9 - Thursday, December 15: Hang out in Maryland. Read a few books while Morgan's at work. Maybe write the Great American Novel.
Thursday, December 15 - Monday, December 19: Crash in Morgan's parents' swank yet unoccupied apartment in hip Coconut Grove. Be a Miami tourist. Go kayaking, and maybe get eaten by an alligator. Best-case scenario: get eaten by an alligator who in turn is eaten by a boa constrictor, and who then explodes.
Monday, December 19 - Friday, December 23: Return to dreary Milwaukee. Bond with the family. Attend my high school's Second Annual Young Alumni Event, which
ellenneithernor and
wwl710 WILL attend with me.
Saturday, December 24 - ???: Head up to Michigan for the Christmas festivities. A good time will be had by all, if not sufficient food. My mother supposedly need not return to work until Tuesday, January 3, so it's entirely possible we'll stay up there the entire time. We'll see.
Tuesday, January 3: Winter quarter begins. It will be filled with fun classes like Thermodynamics, Experimental Physical Chemistry, The Little Red Schoolhouse, and Intermediate Greek 2: Sophocles.
Perhaps a fun trip will be planned for the long weekend of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, since my school is continuing its fine tradition of resisting assimilation and failing, and they've finally joined the bandwagon and given us the day off. I hear that Montreal is the Paris of North America, though is January really the best time to visit Canada?