Setting up a new mood theme using the Admin Console
1. Download the zip/rar file. Unzip it in winzip or something similar. DONE.
2. Upload all the mood images to your image hosting site (like Photobucket). It is recommended to put the whole mood theme in a special folder. Do not change the file names & don't hotlink please!!! DONE.
4. Paste this in the box: moodtheme_create "Title of Theme" "Short Description of Theme" (replace "Title of Theme" and "Short Description of Theme" with a title and description of your choice, just makes sure you remember the title later ;). Then click execute. You should get a number now if everything was done correctly - write this number down, you'll need it later. You'll also need the textbox later where you can put in commands, so it's best to leave the site open ;)
5. Copy all of this (place cursor in field and press Ctrl+A, then CTRL+C):
and open it in Notepad or a similar program. Use the "replace" tool to replace the 123456 number with the number you got from the admin console. After that replace the "" url with the url of the folder where you uploaded all the moods (for example a photobucket album). [Do NOT replace the filenames after the ""!]THAT LAST PART IS DONE.
6. When you're done replacing copy everything and go back to the admin console, paste all the commands in the textbox and click execute. You should now see a page with all the codes and moods. If not, go back and re-do all the steps.