Snowflake Challenge 8

Jan 15, 2022 11:40

Background stuff beneath the cut.Okay, yeah, I'm always late to the party. While I did create a fanfic journal here at DW in 2011 as a backup for my fanfic, it doesn't look like I created a regular journal here until 2017. At that point, several people were leaving LJ permanently and a few had asked me to run my NCIS challenges at DW as well, which I did. While I used to get 1-2 people early on, it seems like it's been a while since there was any DW participation. I do post a weekly NCIS fandom Newsletter at DW (and LJ), but I really don't see many new posts at all on DW. And of course, with my reading page being so slow and the lack of responses, I just don't tend to even remember to post non-community things to DW. I suppose this is sort of a take 2 re-introduction on DW. *G*

Anyway, over the years, I've seen people participate in the Snowflake Challenge, and every year I think "I should do that" and every year I don't (for whatever reason). So anyway, I decided I should take that first step...

Challenge # 8

In your own space, celebrate a personal win from the past year: it can be a list of fanworks you're especially proud of, a gift of your time to the community, a quality or skill you cultivated in yourself, something you generally feel went well. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I'm not surprised this is the one that pushed me to finally participate. I run multiple NCIS communities on both DW and LJ, including four challenges that I am very proud of. While participation has been dropping the past couple of years (and is pretty non-existent on DW), I am still always proud of the stories and artwork that are produced for the challenges. So yeah, always proud of my challenges (and participants!):
NCIS Big Bang/Multi-Bang
NCIS Reverse Bang
NCIS Secret Santa
NCIS Happy Holiday's Challenge (An advent theme challenge)
(If anyone is interested, all of my DW communities are linked on my DW profile page.)

As far as my fanfic for 2021. I wrote 9 new stories and created 4 pieces of artwork. IMHO Melencholy Man (on AO3) is my best story of the year (Artwork for Melancholy Man here on AO3). Behind Blue Eyes (on AO3) may be the most interesting, in an alternate take sort of way. It's another story I've very proud of. Both are challenge stories and I suspect may have been longer if it wasn't for that looming deadline.

2021 was also my first year creating fandom artwork for the Reverse Bang Challenge. I submitted 3 pieces and was very happy that they were all claimed.

*Crossposted on DW, read/comment where you please.

snowflake challenge

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