It's kind of complicated. It's nothing you write out on paper or on computers. Like... It's... If something is not something then it ain't something. One of those contradictions contortions words with the little ' that is actually two words. Like don't is do not. And ain't is is not. So it's like saying "it tastes is not right."
Ah. So "ain't" is "is not." I do not see the connection, but I'll trust you.
Okay, but you said something about not writing "ain't" on papers and computers? So people are only supposed to say that out loud...? They can say it in their thoughts, though, right?
Hmm. I don't think anyone asked for it. I don't know what it looks like or what it tastes like. I would tell you, but I need to familiarize myself with the food first...
Comments 17
How are you supposed to use it?
...Something like that anyhow.
Okay, but you said something about not writing "ain't" on papers and computers? So people are only supposed to say that out loud...? They can say it in their thoughts, though, right?
The menu was packed with such a long list! Good luck with that, haha... I know I wouldn't be able to know what's what for the longest time...
Is it? I didn't get the chance to look at the menu at all. I think I should aim to learn every item on it if I am to be a good employee.
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