I pretty much have way too much on my mind. So many decisions to make, and NOT to make. Tonight I was so close to throwing it all away. If only you knew how temptation reeks. My head is in the clouds, and my heart is talking with the mute button on. I can't say much more right now.
Dude, WHAT THE FUCK is that?! MY ears are ashy! Three words to sum up this weekend. LOUD SMELLY FUN. Two full days with three crazy fuckin' guys. I love it. And it was just how I predicted it would be. Funny. Kendra, I need to talk to you outside... Mike vomited all over Adams new "gear", and John spent the weekend making me laugh, like always. He
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My heart pounding in my ears. I can't go away. This dream like state I'm in has no exit, and I'm trapped inside a blissful nothing. I need you, more then I ever wanted to. I dream you more then I ever believed it. I fear this more then I ever really knew. I'm okay. Sometimes. I'm complete and hollow all at once. It's fulfilling. I don't know where
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19th through the 22nd, Orlando with John, Adam, Paul, Mike, Denisse+ 1, Ray and HOPEFULLY ME TOOUnlimited drinkage (not that i'll be drinking, though), hotel rooms, loud music, jesus christ I wanna go
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So yeah, They got me on anti-depressants, but supposedly they are for chronic headaches. But we all know better. I mean really what more can doctors ask for, from their jobs than making it easier, by having less teenage angst around.I kind of hope I become this empty headed, zombie. It would make dealing with things a lot easier. I don't know. I
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Love isn't about how many mistakes you've made, if it's true, if it's real.
Love Nazi.Ok, everyone has to start thinking about what they are going to get me for my birthday, its only three months away people. And this is berry important. I accept cash no less than $100
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