Sheik or Naoto? Do you mind covering my shift? I have some things to take care of. Sorry to bug you, it’s just kinda important.
Cloud, when you got some free time…you know how to get a hold of me. You, me, Freki, and some talking. Well, more me talking and you listening, I guess, but you know the drill.
Reno, um, got a minute?
I guess I’ll be taking care of her flowers until she comes back. Gotta keep it looking nice, and keep people off of them, otherwise she’ll give me that look right before she yells. Can’t have that now, so I'll make sure every single one of them is perfect, clean, and healthy, just like she left them.
And she is coming back. She is. I know it.
It’s not going to be like in my dream. She’ll be back, and Sephiroth, too. Sane Sephiroth, the guy I remember, respected.
Everything will be okay. Just gotta…keep the faith.