Ducking into the computer lab before lunch, Xander finally got the chance to check the e-mail his mun he wasn't online to check last night.
Spam and eggs.
New chapter in his favorite Backstreet Boys RPS fic which he saves to a disk for reading someplace that's not quite so...public.
Mass-mailed e-mail from Parker, dated last night.
When he was finished reading it, Xander wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry that he missed the show. He'd already heard the radio broadcast, and no uproar about Angelus being loose on the island must mean he really is back to being Mysterious Buff Jerk Guy, but Xander hadn't realized quite the trouble Parker had gone through to humiliate Angel make it an event worth attending.
Then he hit the next e-mail, and grinned. He hadn't heard from Fandom High's version of Willow in a while; not since the thing with the fear gas stuff in Spike's had happened and Xander had missed seeing her at her wildcrafting club meeting. He'd been wondering if this Willow dropped out, in fact. Good to know she's--
She's where?
Subject: Thanksgiving
Xander! I finally managed to hack gain access to the Watcher's Council's database of where all the Sunnydale High students went. I wish I'd had your e-mail before, but they wouldn't give the master list out - not even to Buffy, I found out once I finally got in touch with her. I've been wanting to tell you all about school here -- it's a mystic arts training academy in England, and it's wonderful! - and hear how you're doing, and I've just missed you guys so much.
Buffy was in some little town in Pennsylvania called Pine Valley: no mummies, no snakes, no vampires, swarms of cute guys but no mega-mall. Otherwise known as Hell on Earth, obviously. But the Council changed their minds and sent her back home - the Mayor-snake's still slinking around town, somebody summoned a fear-demon at UCSunnydale... I guess the Hellmouth wasn't quite as under control as they thought it would be when they denied the Mayor his breakfast buffet. The school's not open again yet, though -- not until she manages to hunt down the snake -- so Giles is tutoring her for now.
*Anyway*, Thanksgiving! Buffy called me the second we got as far as exchanging phone numbers, and she wants to do Thanksgiving for us at Giles' place, since her mom's going out of town. Not that I'm big with the love of celebrating colonial oppression, but... You! Me! Buffy! Giles! Yams! What do you say - are you willing to risk getting eaten coming home for Thanksgiving weekend so we can all eat turkey together? Giles says he can get us home tonight, as long as we let him know where and when to send the -- I'm not actually sure what - some kind of portal. All he'd say is don't eat right before going through it if you want to not meet your dinner again on the other side.
Write back soon, even if you can't come -- tell me all about your new school! Is it all boring and normal after Sunnydale High?
Xander stared at it for a full thirty seconds before the grin spread widely across his face. Willow. His Willow!
After another second, he started typing a reply.
Re: Thanksgiving
Dear Willow - Oh, you have no idea...
[OOC - Or the short version: Xander will be gone from Wednesday evening through at least Friday. He may or may not be back around on Sat/Sun depending on player's holiday entanglements.]