Wee-kend YAYYYY

Apr 30, 2006 22:08

Unsent letter, written on the back of an Art History handout, in green highlighter ink. Mostly illegible, of course, but this is what Xander thinks it says:

Deer Willow;

I had a busy days yetserday and today.

A scary bare was in my room so Jeremiah and me goed went to the playground and played on the monkie bars with Bridge but then Mister Perfesser The Tick said Bridge had to be in timeout and he wooden let me stand in the corner with Bridge so I watched and then we played with Denver who lives in the puter not the puter you gived me but the one in Shop and he's purple like Jeremiah and and and then we took some food to Isabel the scary bare and left Jeremiah there and went to J's room and she had owies so we all went to the clinic me and Bridge and J and Moreeeen and Rory whose just little and we got lollypopz and they got cootie shots but I didden need 1 cause you gived me one a long time ago and I MET A FIREMAN!!! and he's neat and saves puppies and kitties and people and then I helped with the raydio and Bridd=ge did too but he does always and I dont cept he says I can help him more later and sometime he can come stay in my room and I can go stay in his sometime yay ((((ANGEL'S MARRYED to Callyesto cause he kisseded her but dont tell Buffy it wood make her sad)))) an then we were in the come in room and Anders gived us cupcakeys and his name rhymes with Xander and then we fell asleepy.

And then we woke up cause Erin was lowed an playing Smile Time and then me and Bridge watched and Rory whose just little came and watched too and she sed Bridge was meen to her but Bridge is never meen but its ok cause she forgived him and then John came and sed stuff about kissing in PEE and eww he's weerd even tho usally I like him and then Bridge whose a good boyfriend made BREAKFASTS OMJ what the heel and I helped carrie them and Bell sayed he wantsed to be Angels boyfriend but yuk an then me and Bridge went and helpd Angla make cuppycakeys and then Anders taked our pictures with Bridges phone and will send later when wee can get a grownup to help and did you tell Bridge you were gonna hit him with shovels if he's meen cause he's never ever meen ever and then and then oh em geeeeee Bridge sed we shuld get marryeds and he dozen yell or be meen ever so its ok so we did an now weer MARRYED but not like Angel n Callyesto cuz she's nice but Angels a poo-doo hed and me and Bridge are both nice anna Mountie marryed us but he marryed Princilady Zooooy too even tho we all jected (((cept bridge was kinda quite like he didden care))) and I kinna was MAD AT RORY even tho shes just little but its ok now and afterwords Bridge and me went to Bridges room to talk to his robot doggie for my class and now its sleep time night Willow I love you Xander!

willow - xander's version, mountie, syd, angel - fh, weeomg!, angela, anders, marty, jeremiah, anakin, callisto, ric, bel, john crichton, tommy gavin, denver, e-mail, veronica, barbossa, aeryn, spring 2006, sam carter, chloe, zoe, the tick, radio, bridge, isabel

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