Fanfic recommendations (Fandoms beginning with H to Sm)
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Harry Potter
- Draco Malfoy and the Heart of Slytherin, by Saber. PG-13 (Harry/Draco but only at the end and not exactly how you'd think). Recommended by Angela.
From Draco's point-of view, this AU has a tougher Harry and Draco becoming wizarding partners in order to take down Voldemort. Very engrossing, I loved having such a long look into Draco's psyche. Plus, as always, it is a smashing read.
NB: More fanfic by this author can be found here and is recommended in these pages (i.e. see the ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘Smallville’ sections). - Prophecies and Potions, by Angyl and Rina. NC-17 (slash, Harry/Draco). Recommended by Angela.
Angela: It's another Draco becomes a spy for the Order story with a slight twist and lots of sex. A lot of HP stories squick me because of the youth factor but this rec can be laid at the fact that I love those girls. They write good smut. (This said with the utmost respect :-)
NB: More fic by these authors can be found here and is recommended in these pages (i.e. see the crossovers section as well as the ‘Jeremiah’, ‘Stargate:Atlantis’, ‘Smallville’, and ‘Veronica Mars’ sections).
- The Seduction of the Desert Prince, by the elynross, killabeez, and Rachael Sabotini. NC-17 (Methos/Duncan slash, some Methos/other het). Recommended by Bea.
A mysterious desert prince buys a fetching slave. Wow. ;-)
NB: More fic by elynross can be found by going here.
NB: More fic by killabeez can be found by going here.
NB: More fic by Rachael Sabotini/wickedwords can be found by going here.
(For crossovers involving the 'Highlander' universe, see the crossover section
Hunger Games (The)
- And the Book, by thegirlonpeetamellark. Rated NC-17 (Katniss/Peeta). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: "Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other. And the book. We can make them understand in a way that will make them braver." A look at the specific things Katniss mentions that went into the book at the end of Mockingjay and how they come back and reappear throughout the rest of their lives.
Bea's comments: This one is amazing. I love how the reader is shown how Katniss learns to live with her grief.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Fifteen Years, by starsmahogany. Rated PG/G (Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: "It took five, ten, fifteen years for me to agree." During a serene picnic in the meadow, Katniss reflects on the peace she's finally been able to find, all the while basking in the glow of her ever-growing family. A fluffy take on the headcanon, "Katniss and Peeta had a third child after the events of the epilogue." Post-Mockingjay, Katniss' POV.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - I'll Set You Up Against the Stars, by oh_la_fraise. Rated PG-13. Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: “Once upon a time, there was a girl on fire.” The eldest Mellark learns the history of her parents.
NB: More fic by this author can be found at their livejournal. - Inception, by Taywen. Rated R (i.e. for violence and dark themes). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: There's a reason why District Twelve never wins the Hunger Games.
Bea's comments: This fic is incredible -it actually WORKS and fits in the canon universe, for one thing. It really threw me for a loop.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and is recommended in this section (i.e. 'The Hunger Games'). - Learning to Swim, by imaginarycircus. NC-17 (Katniss/Peeta). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Peeta and Katniss grow back together. Takes place at and after the end of Mockingjay.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Little Green, by jeeno2. NC-17 (Katniss/Peeta). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: "Hi," Peeta says quietly; almost shyly. "I'm your daddy, and…" His voice cracks on the word daddy, and Katniss' heart clenches painfully inside her chest. "I'm your daddy," Peeta continues. Stronger this time. "I've waited so very long to meet you." A post-Mockingjay AU.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Only Thing Stronger than Fear (The), by iminthewrongstory. NC-17 (Katniss/Peeta). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: We've established something of a routine, Peeta and I. Come to think of it, we've gone through several different versions since we first found our way back to District 12. Back to each other. But this one might actually stick.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Out of the Night: An Interview with a Mockingjay, by athousandwinds. Rated PG-13 (a bit of Katniss/Peeta). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: "I didn't love Peeta. That was all for the cameras." After twenty-five years, Katniss Everdeen breaks her long silence to speak to our star reporter.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Their Last Night of Love: A Special Verity Presentation, Exclusively for Preferred Customers, by Yahtzee. NC-17 (Katniss Everdeen/Peeta Mellark. Recommended by Bea.
Author summary: Amid the media circus of the Quarter Quell, Katniss and Peeta try to create something real.
NB: More fic by Yahtzee is recced in these pages (see the 'Angel'/'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' sections, 'The Avengers', and the 'X-men' sections) and can also be found here and here. - Twenty Four Victors, Twenty Four Tributes, by aimmyarrowshigh. NC-17 (please note this is quite a DARK fic). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Who were the twenty four Quarter Quell contestants? What were their stories?
Bea's comments: This is another fic that is so believable that you would think it was written by the author of the original novels.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Wedding (The), by MockingJayFlyingFree. Rated NC-17 (Katniss/Peeta). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: What if, instead of being reaped for the Quarter Quell, Katniss and Peeta were forced to get married as soon as they turned 18? Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Well - this one is not.
Bea's comments: I have to admit that, while I liked the fic in question, I did not like the sequel (I couldn't even finish it). Please note that am not recommending the sequel to this fic.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and here. - Yearning, by Taywen. Rated PG. Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Four people who wanted to be Katniss and the one person Katniss wished to be. Who hasn't wished they could be someone else?
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and is recommended in this section (i.e. 'The Hunger Games').
Jane Austen (see also
- Happenstance, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, by Abby B. Rated R/NC-17ish (Darcy/Elizabeth). Recommended by Bea.
Bea's summary: Based on the book (i.e. ‘Pride and Prejudice’) as well as, apparently, the 1995 miniseries, this fic diverges from the novel when a rumour begins whereupon Mr. Darcy is said to have compromised Elizabeth. (Of course no such thing has happened, but was merely a misunderstanding arising from them being seen together.) - In Another's Being Mingle, by Maidenjedi. Rated G (Elinor Dashwood/Colonel Brandon). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: In which Elinor Dashwood is engaged as a companion for Mrs. Jennings, and goes to Devonshire, where she has a very different fateful meeting.
Bea's comments: A really nice reworking/retelling of 'Sense and Sensibility' by Jane Austen.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
Jason Bourne (films)
- Same Mistake Twice, by Irony_Rocks. Rated R (Jason Bourne/Nicky Parsons). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: As efficient as he was, he was only human.
Bea's comments: I liked this SO much more than where the 4th film in the series took things (i.e. this takes place after movie number 3 and diverges from there).
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
- A Fine Pair of Asses, by Orithain and Rina. NC-17 (slash, Jeremiah/Marcus). Recommended by Angela.
Angela's comments: I have been giggling and mentioning this story to friends for days. This story has tons of the banter I love from the Ladies of Infinitum and some of the lines are so in tune with the characters I can just picture them saying it.
NB: More fic by these authors can be found here and is recommended in these pages (i.e. see the crossovers section as well as the ‘Harry Potter’, ‘Stargate:Atlantis’, ‘Smallville’, and ‘Veronica Mars’ sections). - Follow that Dream series, by Sithkitten. NC-17 (for not too graphic slash, Jeremiah/Marcus). Recommended by Angela.
(Incomplete fic) This series covers the first few episodes of the show and integrates 'missing scene' moments with actual scenes from the show so successfully that you are drawn into the emotions and back stories of the main characters. A lovely treat.
Kindred: The Embraced
For crossovers involving the 'Kindred:The Embraced' universe, see the crossover section
here. Also, if you don't know what this series is/was,
go here for information.
Lord of the Rings
For crossovers involving the 'Lord of the Rings' universe, see the crossover section
- Guilty Heart, by Giantpanda. PG-13 (Shannon/Sayid). Recommended by Bea.
Set during season 1. Shannon tries to deal with Boone's death.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
Man of Steel (
2013 film)
- fake news, by girlsarewolves/theirwolf. Rated PG/G (Clark Kent/Lois Lane). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Lois Lane with a twitter account was bound to get interesting.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Hirings, by JulyFlame. Rated G. Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: Perry White, new Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Planet, has a surprise interview for new hires. Written in 2013. Only compliant with Man of Steel.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Investigations Into Interoffice Relations, by xenokattz. NC-17 (Clark Kent/Lois Lane). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: "Superman is big news these days and that means Superman's interest in Lois Lane is fair game," said Cat. Jenny had to yank on Inez's arm to keep her from talking. "You want us to investigate Lois? Is that allowed?"
"I want to know for sure if they're getting together. 'Cause if they are, we can drum up some pretty good readership with a little love triangle. Beautiful, successful career woman caught between the love of an alien saviour of the world, and Joe Normal from Hicksville, Alabama. Do you know how many hits that would generate for the DP site?"
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
Marvel Universe
- For fanfic related to ‘The Avengers’ films, please see the ‘Avengers (The)’ section or click here. (Captain America films, Black Panther film(s), and Captain Marvel film(s) have been placed in the 'Avengers (The)' section.)
- For fanfic related to the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ films, please see the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' section or go here.
- For fanfic related to the ‘X-Men’ films, please see the ‘X-Men’ section or click here.
Miss Scarlet and the Duke
- It will pass. It always does, by coco_xoxo. Rated PG/PG-13 (Eliza Scarlet/William 'Duke' Wellington). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: (Spoilers for season 3) William is feeling feelings, but it will pass. Until it doesn't.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
Mummy (The)
- Different Than Expected, by Jenett. Rated G (Evy Carnahan O'Conell/Rick O'Conell). Recommended by Bea.
Author's summary: When Rick and Evy return to London in 1927, Rick is not entirely sure what to expect.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
- Angels and Heroes, by kikkimax. Rated R (warnings for male non-con and graphic violence). Recommended by Angela. (The sequel to this fic is here.)
Angela's comments: Things go bad after Tony receives the yearly reminder of a case from his past that refuses to let him go. Story two is the aftermath. I don’t usually go for dark fic, but this was intense and tasteful.
NB: The links are to a web archive. Hopefully they work.
NB: Other fics by this author can be found here.
Next Generation (The): Star Trek
For fanfiction recs relating to this series, please see under 'Star Trek' or click
Once a Thief
For crossovers involving the 'Once a Thief' universe, see the crossover section
here. Also, if you don't know what this series is/was,
go here for information.
Original Series (The): Star Trek
For fanfiction recs relating to this series, please see under 'Star Trek' or click
Persuasion (Jane Austen, for more Austen works see above,
as well as here (i.e., under 'Emma'))
- their far horizon, by anabel. Rated R (Anne Elliot/Frederick Wentworth).
Author's summary: After all these years, it was as simple as this: he loved her.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
Prodigal Son (TV Show)
- Common Interests, by mardia. NC-17 (Malcolm Bright/Dani Powell). Recommended by Bea.
Bea's comments: I don't want to five too much away here. Suffice it to say that this was a hilarious way of getting these two characters together that was very THEM. LOL.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here, as well as in the 'Anne of Green Gables' and 'Game of Thrones' sections of these pages.
Reboot 'verse/Alternate Original Series (i.e. Star Trek 2009 movie universe)
For fanfiction recs relating to this movie series, please see under 'Star Trek' or click
- Us Six against the World, Sense of Completion, and Always and Forever , by Linda. NC-17 (Max/Liz, Michael/Maria, Isabel/Alex). Recommended by Angela.
Author's summary for 1st story: Post heatwave, and how the six Roswell High kids become closer and realize through good times and bad, that no matter what they go through, it really is, "the six of them against the world". They will go to Florida for spring break, learn more about where they came from, and with the FBI and a certain sheriff, one step behind them. Or is there someone closer?.....
(For crossovers involving the 'Roswell' universe, see the crossover section
Sentinel (The)
For crossovers involving the 'The Sentinel' universe, see the crossover section
here. Also, if you don't know what this series is/was,
go here for information.
- Alexander the Great, by Marag and Terpsichore. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Clark stumbles across gay fiction on the 'net. The author calls himself 'Alexander the Great'. Something more than the name makes Clark suspect that the author is Lex. I like this story because it takes a different approach to getting Clark and Lex together.
NB: More fic by Marag, as well as by both Marag and Terpsichore, can be found here. - As the Night the Day, by Dana and Alax. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Bea.
This story is set in an alternate reality where Clark is eighteen years old and Lex Luthor was never exiled to Smallville. Lex Luthor meets a very special young man named Clark Kent in a club in Metropolis one evening.
NB: More fic by Dana can be found here.
NB: More fic by Alax can be found here. - A Date with the President, by Henry Jones Jr. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Clark and Lex further their relationship after meeting again, five years in the future. Sweet and fun with a splash of Superman.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and is recommended in these pages (i.e. see the ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ‘Harry Potter’ sections as well as the current section). - Family, Friendship, and Love, by Henry Jones Jr. Rated PG-13 for non graphic slash themes (Clark/Lex). Recommended by Angela.
A totally lovely AU where a kid, then friendship and falling in love makes complete sense.
NB: More fic in this series can be found here.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and is recommended in these pages (i.e. see the ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ‘Harry Potter’ sections as well as the current section). - Fetish, by seperis (aka Jenn). NC-17 (Clark/Lex shash). Recommended by Angela.
This story features Lex Luthor's hilarious internal monologue.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here, here, as well as at their livejournal, and are recommended in this section (i.e. ‘Smallville’). - Games series, by Orithain and Rina. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
One of my favorite universes, it goes from mid-series to several years in the future. Starts with Marco Polo. 12 stories and 6 interludes so far.
NB: More fic by these authors can be found here and is recommended in these pages (i.e. see the crossovers section as well as the ‘Harry Potter’, ‘Jeremiah’, ‘Stargate:Atlantis’, and ‘Veronica Mars’ sections). - Great Hunt (The), by Artemis (artemisraine). NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
It's that time of year again. Lex is on the run, and Superman is hunting him. A light, humorous romp with a secret bunker, intricate plots, and a scheming Lex who just wants to be left alone. *snort, giggle*
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - Horizontal part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4/final part, by Alison. NC-17 (Lois Lane/Clark Kent). Recommended by Bea.
(Please note that the way the parts are numbered here does not correspond to how they were numbered at the site and in the story.)
Clark and Lois suddenly spend a lot of...time... together. (Bea's summary) - Identical Series, by Lanning Cook. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
(Incomplete fic) Lionel has Lex replaced with a sociopath of a clone. Currently 9 stories long (ranging from 8K to 599K) it has oodles of character and romantic development, neat original characters and a plot that won't quit.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here.
NB: PLEASE NOTE also that in order to read this fic you need to register at AO3 (free!). - Language of Love, by dogpoet. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). AU. Recommended by Angela.
Clark hates poetry. At least that's what he thinks.
Angela: There have been several stories where our duo get together over poetry but this alternate universe gives another take on it that makes me sigh and smile.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here and here, and is also recommended in these pages (i.e. see the Star Trek: reboot/ 2009 movie universe). - The Lazarus Gap, by Dolimir. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Bea and Angela.
After having lost part of his memory, Lex builds a new life in Gotham city.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here, here and here. - Lex Luthor, Ace Reporter, by Serafina. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
In an alternate universe, Lex Luthor is an investigative reporter for the Daily Planet assigned to show Clark Kent the ropes, and Lois Lane is a powerful businesswoman and old friend. I've read other AU stories before but not many have a fine touch on what would be the same and what would be different. There is an interesting sequel/prequel.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - The Memoirs, by Kel and Di. NC-17 (slash and het, Clark/Lex, Lionel/Dominic, Chloe/Whitney and many more). Recommended by Angela.
(Technically incomplete fic -at more than 300 parts!)
Angela's comments: This is not for the faint of heart. Currently at 361 parts it isn't short either. That said, it is sweet, angsty, bittersweet, silly, fun, sad, depressing, tear-inducing and much more. There are plenty of original characters and a truly unique vision of what it is to be alien. At one point I was so thoroughly addicted I was dreaming about it. I recently went back to the beginning and I was amazed at how much the characters had changed and grown. That takes skill and I certainly admire the ladies who are bringing us this adventure. (Please note that the link is to a web archive, hopefully it works!) - One second hand spaceship, by philtre. PG (a tiny bit Clark/Lex). Recommended by Angela.
A lot of laughs. Boys will be boys no matter their age. - Piece of the Action, by Te. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash, Clark/Original character het). Recommended by Angela.
What happens when Clark meets an older woman at a Metropolis party? Lots of really fun moments and hot sex.
NB: More fanfic by this author can be found here and is recommended in this section. - The Proposition, by Emelerin. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Someone offers Clark a million dollars to sleep with them. Bizarre romance ensues. (giggle) - Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, by seperis (aka Jenn). NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Clark decides on a change of lifestyle. Lex decides on a change in the status quo. And the world's doomed. This story gives an alternate view on Clark's future as Superman and the powers he's been given. That plus the often bewildered reaction to Lex's behaviour makes this story fun and fascinating to read.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here, here, as well as at their livejournal (for the fic at the livejournal page, go here to use the tags marked as 'fic'), and is also recommended in this section -i.e. 'Smallville'. - Space oddity, by FayJay. NC-17 (PWP)(Clark/Lex slash and a little Chloe). Recommended by Angela.
I really like this story for the mental dialogue Clark has going and the hot little scene involving make-up and teenage hormones. To find out what happens next you can read the sequel, The Man who fell to Earth.
NB: Also, more fic by this author can be found by going here. - Spare Change, by Morgan R. PG. Recommended by Angela.
Author's summary: Spare a dime. Spare my life. His room is spare.
Angela's comment: A series of vignettes in Clark and Lex's friendship. Absolutely lovely.
NB: Please note that the link is to a web archive. Hopefully it works. More fic by this author can be found here. - Subtext, by Te. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Angela: Lex teaches Clark about the meaning of subtext. *snort* I'll never be able to watch Lost Boys the same way again.
NB: More fanfiction by this author can be found here. (More fic by this author is also recommended in the current/’Smallville’ section.) - Velvet, by Amy. NC-17 (Clark Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Who knew cross dressing could be so hot? ;-)
NB: More fanfiction by this author can be found here (please note that this site contains mostly stories with erotic adult content and is therefore not suitable for minors) and here. - What I Do Is Me -- For That I Came, by Te and Jenn. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Angela: Leather and really hot sex. Told from Lex's point of view. Awesome.
NB: More fanfiction by Te can be found here and is recommended in the current section (i.e. ‘Smallville’). - When a Strawberry is Pushed into a Mountain, by Thamiris. NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Away at college, Clark learns to read between the lines and finds his future there. Poetry has never been so sexy.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here. - When the Sky Falls Down, by seperis (aka Jenn). NC-17 (Clark/Lex slash). Recommended by Angela.
Clark's pretty sure it all started when he said, yes, when Lex said, you want to go to a movie? From Clark's point of view. This strange date is at once the worst and best dates I've ever read about.
NB: More fic by this author can be found here, here, as well as at their livejournal, and is also recommended in this section -i.e. 'Smallville'.
(For crossovers involving the 'Smallville' universe, see the crossover section