dont have school today or tomorrow.. woot. this weekend should be fun..
uhm i took all these things from skylar.....
Take the quiz:
"What Kinda Kiss R U?"

Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.
Take the quiz:
"How emo are you?"
Holy Shit Your Emo
Holy shit you actually are emo! Congratulations on not being a poser.
^pfft. im not emo
Take the quiz:
"What High School Stereotype Are You?"
Emo Kid
You're depressed and lonely. You want to be loved so bad, but whenever you find love something always goes wrong. you're moody and like to be alone.
Take the quiz:
"What Hardcore band are you? (revised)"

You are Hopesfall. You appear to be all heavy but you breakdown for way too long and stay that way for a long time but people like it. So you still rock
Take the quiz:
"Whats your true LABEL!?"

Wow, Great Job My Friend.Me and You Have alot In common, Hard core Is the way to go.Hah.. Wait till the others see they're results ::Evil laugh::
Take the quiz:
"What band are you...different results from last quiz."

You Love AFI. You like the way they keep it speedy but still have semi-depressing lyrics. If you love their new album, Sing The Sorrow, Then you also like the fact that Davey has a very romantic slow voice and can make anything sound welcoming and dancing on someones grave.Congrats In this choice. I Love AFI Also.
8. Playin with ur hair..I cant live without u
9. Hand on ur waist..I luv u 2 much 2 let u go
that hurts. =] hah