Title: Unfiltered Response
Rating: G
Author: SoLeo
Word Count: 100
Challenge: snarry100 #399: Enough
Warnings: *none*
Disclaimer: You know I don't own them.
Summary: Set after
Before Love is Friendship. Harry talks to Hermione, because sometimes you need to talk to girls about relationships.
Harry waited impatiently for Hermione to finish up. She hated it when he pestered her at work. As soon as she was out the door he descended upon her.
“He asked me to the Yule Ball.”
It took her a moment to catch up with him and she digested what he had said.
“That’s good.”
“It’s more than good ‘Mione. I never thought he would ever consider me romantically. I’ve been so out of it that Ron caught me daydreaming at my desk.”
Hermione chuckled. “You’re adorable Harry.”
“I just hope I’m good enough for him. He deserves the best.”