so i went to the library yestarday to renew my books and i saw this thing for a photography compition ages 12-18 i think i am going to enter it, yeah i know its lame but i like photography and it cant hurt i wonder what i am going to enter
so tomarrow i am going to the retasons fair its like mid-evil and stuff its awesome i have this peasent girl thing i am wearing it makes me feel pretty *trwils* haha Only problem is that now my sister is in Chicgo i am going to be totaly bored during the thing cuz its in Charolette
so tomarrow i am going to the retasons fair its like mid-evil and stuff its awesome i have this peasent girl thing i am wearing it makes me feel pretty *trwils* haha Only problem is that now my sister is in Chicgo i am going to be totaly bored during the thing cuz its in Charolette
Why does everyone have a livejournal?????????? For some werid reason this is pissing me off, dont know why but it is grr Its like all of a sudden livejournals are the cool thing, enough though they are really cool thats not the point i have know idea what i am saying
if you understand my fusration please coment so i dont think i am going insane
every time i hear Vitamin C- Gradutation i always get sad / and or cry because now that i am getting old i am understand the song and its depressing kinda i think i want to be like peter pan and never grow up !! who will be my lost boys/girls?