Leadership begets power and those who selfishly seek it. Until I can determine where these city "leaders" stand, it would be best to find another residence to set up base. The shopping district and, from what I've gathered from other denizens, the city outskirts are out; the seaport warrants further investigation for its multiple warehouses, and the movie theater I found myself in front of upon my arrival...that may be inhabitable.
Big Boss has no knowledge of Outer Heaven and Zanzibarland as far as I can tell. Minimum threat at this point; will be watched for an indefinite length of time until clarification improves. On Father's Day, nonetheless. Can't say God doesn't have a sense of humor.
Working to repair Codec and stealth gear; have two possible leads on that front. The disk is safe.
Wish you were here.
Until Nixon's presidency in 1972, Father's Day wasn't an officially recognized holiday. It was, however, recommended as a national holiday in 1924, but most had been celebrating it since 1908. Sonora Smart Dodd, the daughter of a war veteran, is oftentimes credited as its creator. Another possible theory for its establishment was to honor and mourn the loss of the men killed in the Monongah Mine disaster.
Your Earth history lesson for the day. Enjoy your waste of time party.