OK, so I noticed that there are still quite a lot of people who are searching for my Winskins here via the tags. And I feel bad for not uploading the new ones here first like I used to. But if I did I'd feel bad for cluttering the pages of my friends' f-lists. So instead I decided to use this entry to show the new skins to the rest of the world. I
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Comments 24
What the eff?
No, seriously, what? I mean, I'm used to all kinds of crazies but this is... remarkable. And the entries are from... I dunno.... 2005-ish? What kind of fuckin' French weirdo is this?! And what can I do about it?! o_o Would going FO help?
Und dein neues layout ist auch geil (bis auf die komische multiple choice liste oben, die nervt etwas) :) bitte davon ein skin, y/y?
Strange, ich hab keine Multiple Choice Liste irgendwo. Ist vielleicht ein Java-Ding? Und beim Skin bin ich noch am Überlegen. Ich hab das jetzt schon als Wallpaper, also wäre das vielleicht etwas Overkill...
vielleicht? ist ja wurscht. und, hey, wallpaper?! immer her damit!!!1!
Und ich würde mich mit dem Runterladen beeilen, weil LJ irgendwas ändern will und ich nicht weiß, ob die URLs hinterher noch alle funktionieren :(
Und nein, ich mache keine andere Version, weil ich zu faul bin. Für deinen komischen Bildschirm musst dus dir eben zurechtschnipseln *ebil*
I don't know which player you use but I (and quite a few others!) still use Winamp and an ancient version at that *lol* (because I also have an ancient computer and every other player with the exception of Foobar, which is ugly, tends to gobble up resources which I need for browser-stuff or Photoshop). If you want to use it, get an ancient version of Winamp (I recommend 5.541), drop the skin as a zip or wsz-file in the "Skins"-directory, hit alt+s and choose the skin in question :)
Seriously, if there was an image in which he didn't look like a dangerous lunatic, I'd skin it instantly. Well, there is one but it's definitely for Halloween :( Or maybe I'll skin it anyway.
(although, it turned out far better than I thought it would!)
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