Let a series of pseudo-haikus tell you the story of my day

Aug 31, 2009 17:06

I'm no bad person,
And I get punished for it -
The way that life works.

ETA: For anyone who saw my mortifying spelling error I made in the title of this entry before I fixed it, please donut judge. It's been a long day. I know how "pseudo" is spelled. Really, I do.

People disappoint,
Open your heart - they leave you,
Vulnerable mess.

Wind whistles like screams
Outside of these walls - I'm sure
No peace there, either.

Pot calls kettle black.
Irony, snide enemy,
Shows backstabbing ignorance.

Worn bags on the ground,
They knew you'd trip over them
You fall and you fail.


Well, first of all, I really don't even know the formal nuances of a haiku. So those aren't even technically haiku's, I don't think. No, they're not supposed to be good. I just wanted to tell my story in an ~intriguing manner. Did it work? Are you confused? Good.

Basically, in my last post I talked about my stupid family. How the Jehova's Witness part of my family were pretty much "cleansing" themselves of my demonic influence Well, I walked out of my room earlier today (I live in the sidehouse, so my door leads directly outside) I almost broke my neck on a messload of bags that were placed there.

Gifts that I'd put time into, and creativity, to give my family, who I love. Books I'd let them borrow. Movies. A picture of a celebrity I'd bought for my cousin. It was like "we're returning to you everything in our home that you have ever touched." And my aunt didn't even have the decency to tell me that she was giving me back all the stuff, she just dumped it all in a heap outside my door. It broke my heart.

She called me ignorant. She says that she's happy to sit down and discuss the bible with me at any point, if I ever become interested. She says she loves me. She sure as hell obviously doesn't respect me. Really, my feelings have never been more hurt than when I saw the little handmade cute vampire gift I had made for my cousin sitting in the bag. The one she had loved so much, she now thinks it had "infected" her.

I think I need to go on an antidepressant.

haiku for you, knock knock here's the watchtower, umm that's nice, i'm ready...depression, religion is craycray

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